The Snow Queen answered:

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"I felt your courage and your good intention you came with. You set up to me to save your town and my kingdom from my cold risking your own life. You are very valiant girl! I felt your warmth while these people felt only cold to me. They had come to kill me to get a name of hero and receive a glory while you wanted to deal with me to make me to stop this winter. Unfortunately, I don't know how! How can i stop this winter?! How can i stop this storm inside of me, this negativity, these cold ice feelings?! Everyone in my kingdom hates me, so i hate myself too! I have the frozen heart. But i could unfreeze you because i felt a warmth and love 💙 to you. You have a kind soul, while i have frozen. The kind soul to save my kingdom from me, from my magic, which had unintentionally sent the storm to your town. There was so powerful storm inside of me which came outside and started to destroy everything in its way. You are the only one from all my kingdom who believes in me and knows the truth. I also wish to save my kingdom from my own cold. But how will i stop this storm in your town, even if I can't set free these people from eternal ice?!
       Roselle warmly replied:" You are not the Evil Queen as i thought you were before. You haven't got a frozen heart. You had unfrozen me with a warmth from your heart ❤️❤️. You are not guilty. You are unusual in a good way. You are exceptional. You are not evil. People were prejudiced about you and it's their fault. They were one - sided to you. They decided you're the Evil Witch when they had realised you had powers they didn't have, especially cold. They were blind to you, they couldn't see real you, without powers. For them the magic was the evil. They didn't understand that the magic can also be good; that the magic is dependent on its owner: what is the owner, such is its magic. The magic in your hands was good. Even though you had such strong powers, you harmed nobody. You didn't revenge to us even though you had wished. Instead of it you have used your magic in your own way; you have created such a beautiful Ice Kingdom. These ice walls, crystals, snowmen... your dress...are so beautiful 💠! The magic in your hands is so alluring!✨ You create the beauty.
   You are not the Evil Queen anymore, you are the Ice Queen and Queen of our kingdom. You have unfrozen me with your warmth and love. You can also unfreeze everything with your love ❤️. Only love can unfreeze the cold and bring the warmth! Love can unfreeze your frozen heart and set you free! ❤️ The True Love!" 💙
      The Ice Queen has been melted. She finally unfroze her kingdom and people in her castle. She brought back the spring💮.
       Now she became free.

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