Puppies and Kitties

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What you need to know
y/n is your name
L/n is last name
E/c is eye colour
H/c is hair colour
Ok so recap You were in juvie when the virus broke out. Dr Merch took you during a time of riot and you suffered the same fate as murphy but...worse. You were bit 10 times and almost lost your eye and Like how murphy is called "The Murphy" you are known as patient zerø ok enjoy
Also this will be the longest chapter

Y/n pov
I sigh looking over at hammond as he rows the little row boat in circles "How long do I have to have this bandage covering my eye its a pain in my ass mark" I tell Hammond as I fiddle with the bandage covering my eye "I don't know y/n, until we find you a eyepatch or something like that your going to need to wait" Hammond replied to me. I sigh as I look around and notice a little flashlight going off and on "Hammond there's people" I tell Hammond as he rows over to the two people.

 I sigh as I look around and notice a little flashlight going off and on "Hammond there's people" I tell Hammond as he rows over to the two people

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"That's far enough gentlemen. Identify yourselves and state your business, a team of snipers has you covered so no sudden moves" the man says as the women holds her gun up at us "Mark Hammond, delta force or atleast I was when there was still a delta force, I'm on a mission for the government and I need your help" Hammond says to them "what mission, for what government" the man says "look to be honest in not sure if whoever gave me the order is still alive, I do know its impearitive that I get these two to a medical lab in California, alive" Hammond says referring to me and Murphy. "Well I guess I won't shoot me, yet" the lady said and I get nervous "who are they, is one of them a doctor" The guy asks Hammond "Not exactly" Hammond says turning abound to us "these two are Murphy and patient Zero and they may be the last chances to save humanity" Hammond said to them and I wave awkwardly "hi" I say to them

We are on our way to a tent and we pass some people and houses and I watch as Murphy looks at two kids and I remember my daughter who was only 1 when she was taken from me and 2 years later the Zombie Apocalyps happened. She would be six right now...I hope Akuma took care of her....my sweet little angel. We made it to a tent and me and Murphy were offered food so we started eating. As I'm eating I start to feel sick in my stomach and I feel no hunger which is strange since I haven't eaten in four days, so I stop eating and I feel a little better. Everyone starts talking about where we r going and I get into the conversation as Garnett asks how Hammond found the place "a ex-cop and some others taking shelter in a prison twenty clicks up road said there was some national guard that set up a camp, might be able to help us out"Hammond said to them "Ex-national guard" Warren said "yeah, I was with Georgia National guard. Warren here was active out of Missouri, but as far as I know we are the only ones left" Garnett said "Im sorry for your losses" I say to them and give warren a slight smile "Look, I know there's no more chain of command, No more Guard, no more government, Just a few of us out there following orders because that's what we do, I lost eight of the best men I ever served with getting this far. My ordered are to take these men to a lab in California, and that's what I intend to do. Now...are you people gonna help me or not" Hammond asks and me and Murphy wait for a answer "why are they so goddam important?" a guy that I don't knows name asks Hammond "they have information vital to the development of a vaccine for the Zombie virus, and that's all I can tell you. How much more do you need to know" Hammond says to them, Me and Murphy loom at them. "Warren and I can take the pickup truck, bring you to the Tappan Zee, but you'd be on your own after that" Garnett says "That's all Im asking" Hammond replied "Well, if we keep it moving we can get there and back before nightfall" Warren says and the guy who Im now suspecting is the leader says "Im not so sure we risk the truck,  or you two" after he said that it went quiet till Hammond stands up. "Maybe, I haven't been clear" Hammond says as Garnett and Warren stand, Warren with her hand on her gun and I grip my knife.

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