Chapter 5: The Story

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Chapter song: Lucky - Jason Mraz and Colby Caillat
(A/N this is a lowkey filler chapter but it do got some plot)

The wedding preparations had begun. Tedros was out of the hospital, with a cast, but no longer in that place. Agatha and Tedros hadn't really discussed how they were announcing the wedding or if they were going to announce it, until last night that is. Last night Tedros had an appearance on a late night talk show. It was originally to promote his tour but when the host saw his cast she started asking questions.


(I'm going to use female pronouns instead of Agatha. Yes, there is a purpose for this.)

"Im Amanda Styne and you're watching the Twilight Show, today's guest is one of the leading male singers of the year. Everybody give a warm welcome to Tedros Pendragon!"
Tedros walked out from behind the curtains and onto the stage. He shook hands with Amanda and took a seat on the black pu leather (A/N I legit thought it was called pleather but apparently it's PU leather. I googled it.)
"Tedros, it's great to see you,"
"Good to see you too"
"Are you ok? Why are you in a cast?" Tedros chuckled nervously.
"Oh my- and are you wearing a boot?"
"What happened?"
"I fell off a ladder"
"What were you doing up there in the first place?"
"I was apologizing to my girlfriend"
"Yeah, so it all started when I got a call from my girlfriend's best friend. She had told me that my girlfriend had seen me at a café with another woman. I'm not a cheater by the way! But this part is important. My girlfriend's best friend was in on it. She was the one who encouraged me to propose. She knew I wanted to propose but didn't have the balls. I mean- guts. Anyways, I quickly drove to my girlfriend's mom's house. That place is like her safe haven. So, I ran up to the door. I'm nervous. I thought something had happened to her because she wasn't answering my calls and she didn't come home. I knock on the door. The reply was late. But when I heard her voice I wanted to tear the door off its hinges. I could hear the hurt in her voice and it hurt me. We talked a bit through the door but ultimately she wouldn't open it. The when I got the bright idea that made me end up in this cast."
"wow I'm intrigued." The host, Amanda Styne, said. She had been quiet for most of the story. Agatha could feel her heart race pick up slightly as Tedros approached the part of the story that contained his injury. She knew what happened next and it was not pretty, for her and for Tedros. She was watching Tedros from the green room. It wasn't her appearance but she was there to support.
"Since she wouldn't open the door, and I didn't want to barge in, I ran to the backyard. It's not creepy I swear! We were neighbors during high school. I opened the shed doors and pulled out a ladder. "
"You didn't!"
"I did!"
"Oh my-"
"I leaned the ladder against the wall of her house. We dated for a bit when we were younger so I knew where her bedroom window was. I'm not a stalker! So I climbed to the top of the ladder and knocked on her window. I don't know why I thought this was the only way to talk to her but I did. She opened the window and she was listening for a bit and that's when I felt the ladder slip out from under me."
"Oh my god!"
"I remember hearing her scream my name but it was too late. I had already hit the floor." Tedros directed his attention towards the camera. It felt as if he was staring into Agatha's eyes.
"Honey, I know you're watching this and thinking back on it, I am so incredibly sorry I made you go through this." Tedros directed his attention back towards Amanda and the audience. Agatha was glad for the little message. He had apologized constantly for it at home and Agatha knew it wasn't necessarily either of their fault but they both regretted their actions that day.
"I remember being in and out of consciousness during the ambulance ride. After that everything is a blur. I don't remember what happened but from what the doctors and my girlfriend told me, I apparently had surgery. Thankfully nothing majorly horrible happened. I had a minor concussion, a broken arm and a broken leg. I was in the hospital bed when I woke up. I saw her sleeping on the edge of my bed. I could see the tear stains on her face. And when I tell you my heart broke. I felt so bad for being such an idiot."
"I feel just a bit bad for your girlfriend at this very moment"
"Me too"
"She woke up and I was surprised when she told me she loved me. I honestly thought she was going to smack me and then leave, but she didn't. This is where the lady from the beginning of the story comes in. Because plot twist! She was my jeweler. She was helping me design the perfect ring. That's when I suddenly got the urge to propose. And now she's my fiancé"
"You proposed to your fiancé in a hospital after falling from a ladder?"
"Wow, I love that. I really want to meet your fiancé now"
"She's here"
"Yeah, she's waiting in the green room. Do you want me to bring her up?"
Agatha was going to beat Tedros' ass. How could he just invite her up. She didn't even look camera ready.
"You heard that folks? Stay tuned after the break for an exclusive interview with Tedros and his fiancé."
The studio lights turned on and the "live" sign turned off.
"Tedros, would you like to go bring your fiancé up?"
"Sorry honey, I know you didn't ask to be on but it happened in the heat of the moment" I felt bad. I should have asked Agatha if she wanted to come on instead of just assuming. Agatha was currently sitting in one of the makeup chairs getting some touch ups done.
"It's ok, I just wasn't prepared either. I didn't know we were going public just yet."
"Isn't that kind of funny though, we've been dating for a year and no one has caught on."
"It's a bit unbelievable"
"We're back on in 10...9..."
"I've got to run, I'll see you out there" Tedros headed towards the set and took a seat on the couch.
"And we're back!"
"Please give a warm welcome to the future mrs. Pendragon!" Agatha was given her cue and she stepped out from behind the curtain. As soon as she stepped out everyone's jaws hit the floor. Agatha was a celebrity as well.
"You're fiancé is...Agatha Woods?"
"Yeah" Tedros spoke breathlessly. He had that goofy lovesick smile on his face when Agatha took a seat next to him.
"Wow, this is not who was expecting at all"
Tedros could feel that Agatha was getting nervous. He grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. She smiled at him and then faced her attention towards Amanda.
"So, how did you two lovebirds meet? We're all dying to know!"
"Hehe umm it's kind of a long and complicated story"
"Well, we're all ears!" Amanda was smiling at Agatha.
"Do you want to tell it or do I?"
"You tell it" Tedros had already told the story of their engagement, it was only right that she got to tell a part of the story.
"Well it all started when I moved to Camelot. I was originally from Gavaldon but my mom had gotten an offer to transfer from the hospital there to Camelot's hospital. She took the offer. We moved before the second semester of my senior year began. I was starting school with no one who I knew. That was until I ran into my old best friend. She had moved from Gavaldon to Camelot a few years prior. I never expected to run into her but I was glad I did. She was the one who introduced me and Tedros."
"So you guys were introduced through a mutual friend?"
"Not the time Tedros was dating her."
"Umm yeah, so I met him through that. At first I didn't think I would catch feelings. I only thought of him as a friend because he was dating my friend. I tried to convince myself that I was wrong. I held out for a while but ultimately it was inevitable."
"See that's where we differ, I fell immediately. I understand that sounds horrible in retrospect but you can't control fate."
"However, we didn't act on it. I could never betray my best friend and Tedros is a nice guy. He could never hurt her either." Tedros was listening but he wasn't. He was staring at Agatha with so much love in his eyes. How did he get so lucky? It was almost as if he was under her spell. Every time they were together he couldn't help losing focus on anything that wasn't her. He wished he could spend every waking moment of everyday just alone with her. He had fallen fast. It was no surprise.
"That's when the perfect opportunity came up. Oh god that's going to make me sound like a horrible person. Me and Tedros were working on our science fair project in the gym when we caught his girlfriend with another guy. Tedros had ran out and I followed him. I found him in his car. We were talking and that's when I made the first move."
"Can you believe that! She made the first move! I was surprised. I mean, look at her! She's great! I was thinking that she couldn't like me and then she kissed me. It was at that moment when I knew she was the one." Tedros could see Agatha's cheeks burning bright red. Tedros liked seeing her this way. Maybe he should finish the story.
"My car was when realized I desperately wanted to ask her out. I didn't say it outright but I implied that I would ask her. She didn't deny. Thank god for that. I would have been so embarrassed. I broke up with my girlfriend and then I came up with a plan to ask her out. I didn't want to be too extravagant before the first date. So I got her locker combination from one of her friends- that makes me sound like a creep but all I did was leave a rose with a little paper tied to it asking her out. The thing is, I forgot to write my name on it. I passed by her locker to see if I could write my name on it but it was too late she had already seen it and me. I remember this moment vividly, I leaned on the locker next to her trying to act nonchalant and I said 'so, what do you think?' And she said 'I'll think about it' my heart dropped down into my stomach. I froze in awe. But then she turned back to face me and said 'yes' I felt my face light up." Agatha giggled from her seat next to me.
"I still have the rose"
"You do?" Tedros was genuinely surprised. After all these years she had kept it.
"Wow you guys are cute, I love this story"
"'s about to get complicated so prepare yourself."
"Ok so Tedros' ex was jealous. It was fine until Tedros asked me to prom and to be his girlfriend. He did it in the most elaborate manner. It started with me finding my locker filled to the brim with rose petals. I remember it being jammed when I tried to open it during our first break. So I tried once more during lunch and I was surprised when I opened it with ease. Then the petals poured out of my locker. I felt bad for leaving a mess but I didn't know what to do with them. There were so many of them in there. There was also no note. They were just, there. Then I walked to the cafeteria alone. I couldn't find any of my friends that day. The hallway seemed strangely empty. I didn't even get to the double doors of the cafeteria when I heard the music. It was so extra. But I loved it. The cafeteria was filled with people, which was usual. What was unusual was that as soon as I stepped into the building everybody turned to look at me. That's when a girl came up and handed me a rose. Then music started playing.
All I remember was thinking 'what the fuck' but then my best friend at the time came up and handed me another rose. Before I got the third rose a girl came up to me and started making a trail of flower petals and told me to follow her. I did. More and more people handed me roses. I reached the end of the trail when this big banner dropped from the second level of the cafeteria. My heart was racing and then Tedros stepped out from behind the banner with a single rose. I already had 11 and he had the final rose in my dozen. It was at that moment when I should have realized that Tedros was one for dramatics." Tedros rubbed the back of his neck shyly.
"Awww that's so cute!"
"However, that invitation was what triggered the complications. Getting asked by Tedros to be his girlfriend caused one of his ex-girlfriend's ex-best friends to get jealous and want to ruin us. Unfortunately she managed to win. She and Tedros kissed and I saw them and we broke up. Looking back I realize that it was a stupid reason to break up but I was young and heartbroken. Tedros had been my first experience at love. So when I found out that he had kissed someone else I was really hurt." Agatha's eyes had become glassy. She looked distraught. Tedros put his arm around her waist and pulled her in just a bit closer.
"For the record. I didn't cheat. I love Agatha now and I loved her then, I would never kiss another women while dating her. She forced me. Which in retrospect sounds a little illegal but it happened in the past. And while that moment haunts me, I have to get over it. The past is in the past. But after the breakup I was a wreck. I was never a cry-er but that day I cried a lot. Like A LOT. Hell, I cried a lot that entire week. I can hear you people in the audience laughing but I'm serious. I felt like the shell of who I once was. I was wrecked. Anytime I looked at anything I would find a way to tie it into Agatha and start to cry again." Agatha tried to stifle a laugh but it escaped her.
"Don't laugh, I was miserable"
"I'm sorry sweetheart" she caressed his hair  and gave him a light peck on the cheek.
"After the breakup we didn't see each other. I went to study fashion design in Paris and didn't look back. I thought I had fallen in love with another man but that wasn't the case. He turned out to be a cheating bastard"
"I found out first hand when Agatha buttdialed me and ranted about how he was an asshole and that she still might have feelings for me."
"Shut up" Agatha was burning bright red as she recalled one of her most embarrassing moments.
"I knew my feelings for Agatha were never gone. This was especially clear when I saw her at our high school reunion a few days prior. That's actually what brought us together once again. I don't think I've realized how lucky I am for Camelot High at this very moment. But anyways, I saw her at the reunion with Gabriel and felt devastated. I couldn't handle seeing the love of my life with someone else. But a little while after that Agatha found out her then fiancé was cheating. They broke up. Then a lot of weird coincidences happened."
"Yeah, it started with Tedros' song, "lookalike" that's about me"
Tedros blushed
"That wasn't exactly a coincidence but the rest were. Afterwards, the marketing team for my fashion line wanted Tedros as a brand ambassador, we saw each other then, for the first time as two single people, then Tedros' mom threw a party for my mom. We were neighbors so they got close. It was at the party when Tedros confessed his feelings for me. Not going to lie, I cried when he asked me."
"I remember that! It's kinda weird but we, in a way, have our moms to thank for us getting together again. It was after the party when we decided to date. And man, it was long overdue."
"Wait, you two went how long without seeing each other before the reunion?
"Uhh 10 years"
"10 years!"
"Wow, that is amazing"
"Yeah it really is"
"Our story is really a case of falling in love at the wrong time."
"Wow I love your story. It's seems fake but it's not and that's incredible."
"I guess it kinda is."
"Well thank you Agatha and Tedros for joining us today and making all of us single people jealous." Agatha and Tedros laughed.
"After the break, we will be back with the cast of the new movie "nights like these" (idk if its a real movie but the title has a nice ring to it)
The red light that indicated they were on air turned off.
"Wow your guy's story was lovely. It was great to meet you guys." The host left to get touch ups. Tedros and Agatha exited the building hand in hand. Today didn't go as planned. Only a small selection of close friends knew that they were engaged, and now everyone who watched the twilight show with Amanda Styne knew they were engaged. The two drove home not expecting the whirlwind of chaos that would come later
It was the morning after the show. Agatha had woken up to the sun shining through the blinds. She felt Tedros' presence against her back. His muscular arms were wrapped around her waist. It was Sunday, her day off. Agatha had nowhere to be. Why not enjoy this? She turned around in Tedros' grasp. She studied his features. Something she never got tired of doing. She stared at his fluffy blonde hair, his long eyelashes resting peacefully, his soft lips reminding her of every time they exchanged kisses. Whether small or passionate. Tedros' eyes slowly fluttered open. His baby blues were staring into Agatha's eyes. A smile slowly crept on his face as their breaths mingled. He released a soft laugh.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer."
"Shut up" Agatha laughed. She tried to get up but Tedros hold on her waist was strong.
"Can you please let go?"
"Let me think about!" Tedros pulled Agatha back into his chest. Agatha laughed. She couldn't help it.
"Your breath stinks!"
"Liar! It does not!" Tedros released her to check his breath. Agatha quickly got off the bed and headed into the bathroom. She grabbed her toothbrush from its place in the cup. She put some toothpaste on it and began to brush her teeth.
"Yeah!" Agatha called out as best as she could with a mouth full of toothpaste.
"You might want to check your phone!"
Agatha exited the bathroom with her mouth still full of foam. She didn't even have to unlock her screen when she saw the massive amounts of notifications on her phone. She opened it and saw that her twitter, messages, and Instagram were all overflowing with notifications. All her social media's were packed. Everyone was either expressing their shock or congratulating them. Agatha did not expect this large of a reaction. She didn't see the big deal with their engagement but the general population thought otherwise. She was pretty sure the majority of the response was from Tedros' fans. She scrolled through her twitter feed and found an alarmingly large amount of "Tedros and Agatha cutest moments compilations"
"I guess they're happy for us"
"This is your doing mister"
"What did I do?"
"You have fangirls"
Agatha made her way to the bathroom to rinse out her mouth. Tedros laughed and got up from the bed. He followed Agatha to the bathroom. He rested his head on her shoulder as she finished brushing. His hands made their way around her waist.
"I am so happy that I'm going to marry you"
Agatha's face burned bright red.
"You can't just say things like that!"
Tedros laughed, "why not"
"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." Tedros pressed a kiss into Agatha's neck.
"Don't stop"
Tedros smiled wide at his fiancé. He loved the way she got when he was all lovey-dovey. His favorite pastime was probably making Agatha blush.
"I feel like I owe you my side of the story. All of it. Not the refined version for the cameras."

That's it for right now
Ahhh it's finally getting good again
Thank you for reading
I hope you enjoyed
Don't forget to vote and comment and let me know what you think is going to happen in the next chapter
- I'll see you all in the next chapter

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