Going Back to You (A Madara Uchiha fanfiction)

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Hi~ It's my first time doing a Madara fanfic~! XD Nevertheless, don't hesitate to comment and vote (if you like it) or suggest something to improve it. ^w^

....Madara is so cool!!

*ehem* *ehem* That will be all...

~~~~~Chapter 1~~~~~

*click clack, click clack* Those were the sounds of the elders' noisy shoes. *click clack, click clack,* were the annoying sounds that came up into my room. I stood up from my chair which I was sitting on, fixing my hair, and made my way to the door, expecting a long lecture for whatever it is that I have done wrong AGAIN. I don't know what it'd be, but it'd be best if I prepared myself.

I heard a knock on the door and opened it quietly. I expected a loud shout but instead saw warm smiles on their faces. ..What is going on?

"Umm..good morning," I said awkwardly. I looked at a stray strand of hair that came loose out of the pin I wore on my head and tucked it behind my ear. I especially dressed up today because I didn't want to disappoint them. I heard there was a meeting today, after all.

"Good morning, Nao," old woman Chiyoko said, which was a first. "Good. You are all dressed up for today. Now, come with us. We have something to discuss, about you," she said while ushering me into a room filled with our clan members. I gulped. What is happening?

"Nao, you are already 19 years old, and yet, you still don't have a husband. You're almost 20, you know!" the old woman said. I sweatdropped. So this is what it was all about...But I don't want to! I was about to say something, but the old lady interrupted me. "You'd be sent to the nearby village the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan are planning to build. There, you will strengthen our ties with the Uchiha clan by marrying their clan leader!" she announced.

I gasped. I looked at my other clan members, and all of them have a satisfied look on their faces. Some of them came up to me and congratulated me. No, this can't be! I heard some of the girls gushing about how handsome he is and how strong he looks, but right now, it just can't seem to go into my mind. I knew this was about to happen some time, but I did not expect it to be this early in my life!

I tried to protest, but seeing their happy faces...I can't...

"We will be departing tomorrow."

With that, I anime fell.

This...can't be!!! I don't even know his name!

~~Meanwhile, in Konoha~~Third Person's POV~~

On the day before the two were supposed to meet, Madara received an unpleasant surprise from his clan members.

"You'd be marrying the 2nd daughter of the Kururyu clan, Kuzuryu--"

"MARRY?!" he repeated and flipped the table. "No," he said with a hard glare and went out. This time, he wasn't wearing his usual armor. He was wearing more casual clothing with a coat because he noticed that it was about to rain. Outside the compound, he went for a stroll into the future village they were about to make. There were already a few clans like the Sarutobi clan living in it.

Then he saw someone he had never seen before and became curious. She had a frown on her face, but she was actually beautiful.

~~Nao's POV~~

Stupid..stupid Chiyoko..that old hag...Stupid stupid Gorou...old geezer.. Sending me to marry a man I don't even know personally. Sure, I heard that he's strong and handsome, but I haven't even seen him yet. Maybe I'd like him to be someone...like that guy. He was in a ponytail that tied up his long hair and in a coat, and he seems to be approaching me!

I saw his eyes widen in curiosity as my gaze shifted onto his mouth that started to move. I slightly blushed. He was really handsome, but I can't be thinking that right now. I was about to marry someone after all.

"Are you new here?" he asked. I nodded slowly, and he slightly smiled. He seems like a nice guy... "Then let me show you around town."

"But..wouldn't that take a lot of your time?" I asked.

"It's all right. I'm bored, anyway," he said and started walking. I followed behind him. "You can walk beside me," he said, noticing my awkwardness. I blushed in embarrassment. Argh..this isn't like me at all! Why am I acting so damn girly?!?!

"Okay," I managed to say and walked beside him.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Nao," I said quietly. "What's yours?" I asked, slowly starting to get comfortable talking to him.

"It's Madara."

He started showing me around town and led me to a place with a lot of flowers and a waterfall in a secluded area of the village, and it's absolutely...



I didn't even notice that I said it out loud.

"Yes," I admitted.

"It's relaxing, isn't it?" he asked.

"Yes. But why is it hidden from everyone?"

"I don't know. I just found it when I was bored one day, and it became my favorite spot to be in. And you're the first person I showed it to."

I couldn't help but smile. "Thank you," I said and noticed that it was raining...HARD! A sudden downpour! "Why did it suddenly rain?" I freaked out and saw him smirk.

"You didn't even notice that the sky was dark and gray?" he said in a mocking tone. So this is his true personality? -_-

"I was too upset," I growled.

Then he laughed.

"Stop making fun of me and stop laughing!"

He stopped, but chuckled a bit after and threw me his coat. It landed on my face though. I took it but wondered. "Why are you giving this to me?" I asked him.

"Take it. You'll catch a cold."

"I'm a kunoichi. I can handle it," I said.

"Who cares? Just take it!" he commanded. ......scary.......Is this guy bipolar?



"Anyway, I need to go," I noticed and put the coat around me. "Thanks, Madara."

"See you soon, Nao," he says and I left him behind.

Somehow, I want to see him again...



So what do you think?! ^w^ comment~I love them!

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