L.A. (Lost Angels)

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"Morning sleepy heads!"Ally yelled,waking up Anhel and Austin.Well at least that was her goal.

"Five more minutes please!"they both said,wich kinda surprised Anhel.Because as you already know,creatures don't need sleep.Mostly her because she was special.Same old,same old,but now the world she knew seemed to change...Was it good or bad?

Ï have panacakes!"Ally giggled as Austin raised his head up.

"Shoot! I want my pancakes!Don't you dare to touch them.They are mine!"Austin got up and ran in the bathroom to change.

"What is a pancake and are they dangerous?"Anhel asked.Ally gave her a wierd look.

"You don't know what pancakes are?"Ally questioned as if Anhel was carzy,but the girl just shook her head.

"Well it's food.Do you want?"Ally asked.

"Nope.I'm not a fan of food at all."Anhel said.Well at least that didn't change.She still needed to kill to survive.Wow! Now that she admitted that she killed,she felt like a blood sucker.Vampire as you call them,but Anhel hates them.They make her work harder.If it wasn't for them,humans woudn't die.At least not so many.Also phantoms and zombies.Ugh! They just won't leave those things called humans alone.What's so great about them anyways?Any of them was a human before they died.So are they jealous or something?'Cause she really doesn't see their poin.Humans seem to be nice.

"What?But everyone needs food."Allison said,confused.

"Everyone,but me.I need to take a walk.I won't go too far.I promise I will come back soon."Anhel said and alked out of the bus,leaving the brunette confused.

"Let's dig in!"Austin said as his friend came in the room."Hey where's Anhel?"he asked.

"She went out for a walk.She said that she doesn't want food.We really have to figure out more about her past.."Allison said ,taking a seat.

"Uhm Ally?"Austin spoke.

"What?"she mumbled,still lost in her thoughts.

"This chair is already taken"Austin smirked.

"What do you....?"she said,but stopped when she realised she was on Austin's lap."Oh my God!I am so sorry!"she exclaimed,gettin up.

Then Austin pulled her back down.

"Hey!Why are you so nervous?It's not it is the first time you're sitting on my lap"he smirked.

"Yeah,but then we were a couple and now we're...not."she blushed.

"Yeah.."Austin let her go.After the second break up, you can't really get to the old self you used to be around the person who you broke up with.I don't think think someone has ever been through what they've been.They practically broke up three times,but the second time it was just for about 1 hour or so.I don't think there is someone who has been through 3 break ups and 3 made ups.It's just wierd. They have this kinda off on relationship if you get what I mean.

"Hi guys!"Anhel greeted.

"Woah!What did you do?"Austin asked.

"I went for a walk as I said."And I also grabbed my breakfats she thought.

"Well you look like someone put a spell on you!"Austin said amazed.Her skin was shining a bit,so was her hair.

"I just needed fresh air."she explained."And I also meet a really funny red head.He said he knows you guys so he told me to bring you to the Hollywood boardwalk...I have no idea where is that though."she said.

"Wait!Was he tal and was he wearing goofy clothes?"asked Ally.

"Well he was tall yeah.And he had some wierd clothes too.Like all kinds of forms and drawings on them"she explained.

"Oh my gosh!That's Dez!"Austin exclaimed as he grabbed his jacket.

"Austin wait!We need to talk."Allison said.

"Um..ok?"he followed her in another room.Anhel just shrugged it off and put her jacket on.

"What's wrong?"asked Austin.

"We're bringing Anhel with us,right?"she questioned.


"Because no one has to know that she's basically adopted by us.Got it?"Austin nodded and they all walked out.

"Hey Anhel!Want some ice cream?"Ally asked,trying to give Austin some alone time with Dez.They for sure want to talk about manly stuffs and such.

"No,I already told you that I don't need food,but if you want some,I can come with you."Anhel answered.

"Yeah.That would be nice.Thank you."Allison smiled and both of the girst walked away.

"This place looks so cool!"Anhel exclaimed as they were walking around.

"I know,right?!Los Angeles is the best!"Ally squealed.

"Lost Angels."Anhel mumbled out of nowhere.

"What?"Allison raised her eyebrow.

"Oh nothing!Ignore me!I do stuffs like that sometimes!"the blonde got back to reality.

"What happens with you when you do that?"

"Well everything turns white and then I suddenly see some things,but I can't remember them when I wake up from my daze."Anhel explained.


"It's not that wow.I would give everything away to be normal"the kid sighed.

"So lost angels..It reminds you of something?"Allison changed the topic.

"Well yes.Some old story said that two peoples who fell n love had to move to L.A.,but they weren't actually humans,they were angels and when they got here,they fell in depression and lost everything they had and were.They were missing the ones that were back in the city they moved from so bad that they went crazy and I don't mean crazy as doing crazy stuffs.I mean getting dark, forgetting who they are and looking for some kind of revenge.Some said that you could see them walking around through the forest,looking just at the sight as if the were lost,so peoples from where I come from started caling this place Lost Angels (I totally made that up,nothing is true),but of course it's just a myth." Anhel explained.If Allison only knew...


A few hours later Austin,Ally and Anhel met up at the tour bus.Austin had a frown on his face.

"Aw! What happened?"Ally asked,wrapping her arms around him.

"Dez and Carrie...It's like they are just not them...Like they lost everything they had...Like thy lost everything they are."Austin said almost crying.Ally hugged him thighter.

"Ah!The lost angels!"Anhel mumbled under her breath,but she didn't know that Ally heard .

And she was going to find out more about those lost angels.Even if Anhel likes it or not.

But for now she had to comfor a friend who was squeezing the life out of her practically,while drowning in his own tears...

Let's play ask the character! You put a question for any of my characters and they will answer it.What do you say?

Creatures of love (sequel to Wierd love) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now