P'Kae and the Fat Jerk

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The afternoon skies were deep blue and clear of any clouds.

Right outside the school building, on a bench, a young high school boy was trying to solve a math problem. In front of him, looking at his computation was a handsome young man from the Faculty of Engineering.

The tutoring session had been going on for the most part of an hour as it did most days, but the smile on the senior's face was evident of his dedication and the patience that he had. He was thinking that his life was something akin to a cliche, and that it was as real as it got; not even fictional as some lived their lives like story book characters.

Tutor, as he was aptly named, was looking at his student's work with satisfaction. He needed the work and he was feeling happy that he could end the session that day earlier than usual; the high school student he was currently teaching was making good progress.

"Add a note here," he pointed at the paper that the kid was working on. The younger boy smiled and jotted a quick scribble on the numbers he had on the paper, "Sure," he said.

"After, let us do some exercises but I'm going to allow you to do it at home as an assignment," Tutor said, satisfied that the boy has absorbed his lessons for the day, "Then, that will be all for today."

"I will do it ah home and then send it over to you," the boy said, a smile on his face.

"Alright then, get home safely," Tutor said, nodding to the boy and gesturing to the water bottle that the boy had beside his school stuff, "Don't forget your water, it's humid so please hydrate often."

"Thank you "P'," the boy said, grabbed his things and waved at his tutor, "Goodbye,."

"Goodbye and take care getting home." Tutor replied, stacked the books he had on the table and grabbed his half empty cup of coffee. He still had to go to the cafe where he worked after the tutoring session. As much as he was tired from school works and the extra work he had to do after class hours, he had been working at P'Kae's Cafe for some time. It was great that the boy he was tutoring was a fast learner and he did not have to be late for work. But still, he walked fast, it would be better if he could work an extra hour or so if he arrived early.

There were only a few other students hurrying from the buildings of the university. It was late in the afternoon and while there were still classes going on, there were only a number of them so the hallways were not as crowded as it would have been had it been a few hours ago.

The sound of a basketball could be heard bouncing off the hard cemented court that was just a few feet from where the covered walkway that led to the university gate. As it was usual in the afternoon, the more sports-minded from any of the faculties of the school were out and playing their team sports. The club members of the different sports team were also using the hours before nighttime came to practice in the different areas all around the campus.

Tutor carefully juggled the heavy books that he used for his teaching session earlier as he hastened toward the exit. Taking little sips off the styro cup of coffee that has lost its heat a long time ago. But he needed the energy that the caffeine gave him. As much as the acrid, bitter taste that passed through his tongue was no longer pleasing; nonetheless, he felt a little more energetic.

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