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"Bowling for Coup"


"don't give a shit"


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     Lizzie rather enjoyed bowling, she found it immensely fun even though she was terrible at it. One time she and Vanya went bowling, and Lizzie left with a broken foot. It put a stopper on her dancing career for a few months but it didn't stop her love of the 'sport'.

     Since the group wasn't actually bowling Lizzie would try to go up every few minutes to try and improve upon her 'skills'. She accidentally rolled the ball backwards, and Klaus mocked her by doing the Wii bowling background character jump.

     When she sat back down she sighed in frustration and took a sip of ice cold water. Everyone was looking around at each other in silence waiting for someone to speak. "Look, I hate to be the one to say this, but everyone needs to prepare." Luther said quietly to the group who were gathered together in one of the lanes. 

     "For what?"

     "To do whatever it takes to stop Vanya." Luther responded to Diego's question, much to both Lizzie and Allison's chagrin. 

      Allison was quick to slap Luther with her notepad, if it wasn't for the gloom mood Lizzie would have chuckled. "I- We may not have a choice, Allison." Luther explained. 

     "Bullshit." Diego started, "There's always options." Lizzie nodded as she scooted closer to Klaus who was flipping through a News Paper.

     Five scoffed, "Yeah, like what?"

     Diego paused trying to come up with something but coming short, "I don't know."

     "Look, whatever we decide,we need to find Vanya. And fast, okay? She could be anywhere." Luther emphasized.

     Klaus pointer out the ad for Vanya's show to Lizzie who gasps loudly gaining the attention of the group, and the staff lady, so Klaus could announce, "Or... here. Look at this."

     They motioned for the rest of the group to read it as they placed it on the table. "That's right. Her concert is tonight." Diego mumbled.

     The cheery voice of Midge the bowling alley employee interrupted them from their 'meeting', "Hello. I hate to intrude, but my manager says if you're not gonna bowl, you gotta leave."

     "Whose turn is it?" Diego asked.

     "Oh, for..." Luther threw the bowling ball getting a strike.

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