You, my crush

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"I am sorry to hear that...." Y/N's mother said apologeticry. The boy told the family about his life, family and village. He also told them about how he loved making puppets. His amber eyes were sparkling. Then, Y/N's grandmother, Lady Mira, asked "Where are you staying now?"

The boy was silent for a moment but then answered "I don't have a home. I usually sleep at the streets." he said it with a sad tone.
"Maybe you could live with me." One of Y/N's uncle, Taro, offered. The boy looked at him with his eyes widened but the boy wasn't quite sure. Can he trust them? Can he put his expectations on the family? The boy couldn't decide. Eventually, the boy agreed. The family was really happy with his agreement.

"By the way, what's your name?" Y/N asked.
"Sasori... Akasuna Sasori." he said smiling at Y/N which made her blush.

After the picnic, everyone packed up the stuff and clean everything up. Everybody helped including the boy and Y/N. After that, they all went home happily. Within 23 minutes, Y/N and her family arrived at their home. Y/N immediately entered her room and layed down on her f/c bed. She took off her phone from her pocket and started searching some fanfiction websites. Then, she received a text message from Uncle Taro. The message wrote:

"Hey, wanna hang out at my place?"

{To be continued}

When I first saw you in the garden (Sasori x reader) Where stories live. Discover now