His Interest, His View

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{Sasori's room}

Sasori took Y/N to his room. In his room, there weren't much since he just moved in.
His bed was really plain white and the wallpapers looked like it was gonna ripped anytime soon. His desk had a lamp and some containers that contained some old children's clay toy. Y/N and Sasori sat down on his bed. Then, Y/N began asking about Sasori's interest.
"So what are your interests, Sasori?" she asked. Sasori then looked at Y/N and answered "I like making puppets and drawing."
"Oh! I also like drawing and writing!" Y/N exclaimed.

They began talking about drawings and art then Y/N asked "What are your views on art?". Sasori looked away for a second then looked at Y/N back. He answered "True art is something wonderful that's left long into the future without decaying or rotting."
Y/N was stunned with his reply. It was a really long answer. Then, they heard a knock on the wooden door. Y/N walked to that door to open it. It was Uncle Taro. He was wearing a straw hat, white jacket with a blue shirt under it and some blue track pants.

"Y/N! I expected you to be here." he exclaimed. All of them went downstairs to the living room after that. At the living room, the three of them sat down on the sofa.
"What's your school name, Y/N?" asked Uncle Taro.
"La Rose Secondary School. It's a co-ed school, why?" she asked.
"I want to send Sasori to your school, what do you think about that?" Uncle Taro asked.
"I don't really care but okay..." she said slightly blushing.

"Could you also spend some time with him if he is alone?" he asked.
"W-What!? N-No, people are going to think we are dating!" Y/N yelled. Sasori just looked down on the floor expressionless.
"Why do you think people are going to that think like that?" he asked in confusion.

(Honestly though I don't mind if he is going to the same school as me UwU)

"W-Well..." Y/N looked away with red on her face.
"I don't mind being alone." Sasori said looking at Uncle Taro.
"B-But if you want... Go ahead." Y/N said.
"Well, it's decided. Sasori, your going to that school." Uncle Taro said. Y/N sighed mentally.

{ 2 hours later}

After 2 hours of spending time with each other laughing and talking it was already the time for Y/N to return home.
At the front yard, it was just Y/N and Sasori.
"Hey..." Sasori suddenly voiced.
"What is it?" she asked.
"I- " he was about to said something but was interrupted by a car sound. It was Y/N's father.
"Sorry Sasori-kun, I have to go now." Y/N ran towards the car. Sasori just waved at her goodbye.

{To be continued}

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