Chapter 5: Forecast

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The sun had yet to rise. Jace was jogging through the forest on his own. Instead of his usual attire, he wore a t-shirt, shorts, and sneakers with socks. He loved hearing the sounds of nature without interruptions from people. However, today it seemed more ominous. 

The fog was heavier than usual and the animals were less rowdy. That's strange, he thought to himself. Jace passed by a black rock and saw a large dark gray and maroon snake wrapped around it. Wait, what? He stopped and took a second glance at the rock. There was nothing on top.

"I must be so tired that I'm seeing things," the seventeen-year-old muttered to himself. Then he continued his jog. It appeared as if he was choosing a random pattern. However, the Poison Dragon Slayer had taken this path many times before. All he had to do was close his eyes and listen for the surrounding echoes he memorized. As he did, he also heard the memories made many years before.

"Big Bro, look! I found a snake!" young Jace called, holding up a tiny olive snake by its tail. It had a deadly look in its eyes and a black mouth.

"Really? How did you do that?" an older boy asked while approaching him.

"I heard its voice! It was hissing a lot. Apparently someone invaded its territory!" young Jace answered eagerly. He put the snake down and it slithered away on the forest floor.

"It also sounds like it was forcefully brought here by someone," he added.

Jace looked around as he jogged to a certain spot. He heard a familiar voice.

"Catch up if you can," he said with a smile.

A frown appeared on the older boy's face.

"What's wrong, Big Bro?" Jace asked.

"There's no way you could have heard that. Even Dad couldn't hear Cubellios' voice," the older boy stated sternly.

"Not right away. But remember that Dad did say he managed to hear it eventually!" Jace reminded with a smile. The older boy huffed and turned around.

"Eventually is the key word there. C'mon, let's go home. Mom's gonna be worried about us," he said sternly. Jace frowned.

"Big Bro?" he questioned in a worried tone. The older boy sighed. He faced Jace, knelt down, and wrapped him in a hug. Then he held him out at his shoulders. Jace looked into the older boy's teary brown eyes.

Jace sniffled. Tiny water droplets dripped down his face meeting the ones that came from his green eyes.

"Damnit, Jace!...Keep it...together...You've mile left," he gasped.

"I'm sorry, Jace. I got a little upset. It's just that, well, you're already a lot stronger than any of us, and I'm a little jealous, being your big brother and all. But, don't be upset! I'm sure that one day, that strength of yours will help us all! You, me, Mom, Dad, your friends, and all the rest of Fairy Tail," the older boy said. He smiled. Jace smiled back with a toothy grin. He was missing a few teeth.

"Haha! Your canines haven't come in yet!" his older brother teased, patting him on the shoulder. Jace promptly covered his mouth and gave the older boy a cold-blooded glare.

"Big Bro that's mean!" he growled. His brother chuckled.

"Sorry. Couldn't help it. Now let's race home. I bet you can't beat me," he challenged.

"Oh yeah! I'm gonna win for sure this time!"

"Yeah yeah go right ahead. I'll reward you with a cookie if you do."

Fairy Tail Adventures Await Volume 1: Fairy Tail X820Where stories live. Discover now