The Cullens and Quileute's story

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My name is Bella Cullen and I live in Forks, Washington. I was adopted into their family when I became a vampire. I still have my dad Charlie. He also lives in Forks. He's a cop. And then there's my mother Renee.

As Edward once said, we're "different from other vampires." We eat animal blood, instead of human blood. I haven't been a vampire for very long. Charlie and Renee don't know about animals existing; not yet anyway. But Charlie does know about the existence of werewolves. Jacob showed him.

You would think that vampires are everything you see in movies, but they aren't.

We can't die from a stake through the heart, holy water, crosses, or sunlight. We don't burn up in the daylight. We sparkle like a diamond. Pointy things don't kill us, crosses don't scare us, Holy Water doesn't hurt us, and we don't have fangs. We don't vamp out. Another thing is that we don't have to be invited in to come into your home. We can walk in whenever we want. And we don't sleep at all.

Let me tell you about ourselves. Us Cullens. Our father is Carlisle. We don't know how he became a vampire. There's Emmett, Rosalie, Edward, Alice, Jasper, and then me. We're one big happy family.

Let me tell you a little bit about the others. Let's start with Esme, Carlisle's wife. After he became a vampire, he changed her. We don't know why. Then he changed Rosalie. He did it to save her life. Then he changed Edward. He did that to save his life, as well.

Alice and Jasper stumbled across them. They were already vampires. They wanted a different life, so Carlisle took them in.

Let me tell you their past. I'll start with Rosalie, since I don't know about Emmett much.

Rosalie lived back in 1658. It was a small town, so everybody knew her. She had a great life, but she wanted more. Then she met a rich guy and they fell in love. The night before their marriage, she was brutally attacked by him and his friends who were drunk. After the men left, Carlisle smelled her blood and found her. He took her to his place and changed her. She wasn't the same Rosalie ever again. She wishes all the time that she had the life I had when I was a human.

Next is Edward. Edward and his mother had a bad disease. His mom knew she was dying, so she made Carlisle promise that he would take care of her son. He promised and after a while, she died. Then in 1885, he took him to his place and changed him. He did that to keep him from dying from the disease that his mom died from.

Then there's Alice and Jasper. We don't know much about how she became a vampire, but we know that she was poor in her days. That's all we know.

We know a bit more about Jasper. He used to be in the army. He was in the army for half his life. Then he was bitten. He was vicious until he had a change of thoughts. Then he met Alice and they came here.

As for me, I had a wonderful life as a mortal, but I love being a vampire.

When I was mortal, I lived with my mom and dad. Then they got a divorce and I went to live with mom. Dad stayed in Forks. Then mom and I found a place in Arizona. We stayed there until recently, when she got a new husband. He's alright, but I think Charlie's better.

They wanted to go do some traveling, so I went to stay with Charlie. Then I met the Cullens and found out that they're vampires. The world changed after all that. I kept running into trouble. I even landed myself in a hospital once. Then I found out that my best friend, Jacob Black, is a werewolf.

When I was a mortal, I felt like I was a magnet for danger to strike. But I don't feel that anymore. Not since I became immortal. But it doesn't really matter that I'm a vampire. I don't see myself or the others as a monster. After all, we don't prey on humans and we stay off the werewolves' land. But to Jacob, I'm an exception. He doesn't care if I'm on his land because we're friends.

Let me tell you about the werewolves. They don't need a full moon to phase into their werewolf forms. They can change whenever, whether it be day or night at any time. There's one more thing I have to tell you. It's a werewolf story that Jacob once told me on the La Push beach when I was mortal.

Jacob's great-grandfather spotted the Cullens hunting on their land. They insisted that they were different from the others. So, they made a treaty. If they stay off their land and don't bite or change any humans, they won't expose what they really are. That means, they won't expose to anybody that they're vampires.

Now for the werewolf part. Werewolves were made from wolves. The story or myth goes that a man came across a gray wolf. His enemy was after him. He asked the wolf if he would share his body with him. The wolf accepted.

After a while, two in one wolf body got small. So finally, the body grew bigger and with more fur and muscle. Then his tribe became werewolves, too.

A while afterwards, they stumbled across a still body of a woman. Her skin was white, as if drained of blood. Later on, they went looking for whoever did that. They found the creature. The first made werewolf who had a wife and son fought her.

His wife was afraid that he was losing so she took a knife and stabbed it in her stomach. The creature ran to the wife and started biting her. That's when the husband killed the creature.

They thought the species was extinct, but they came back. They started calling them a Latin name for blood sucker. Then came up with vampire. They soon changed it to vampire. And that's my story.

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