The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (Leah's POV)

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My name is Leah Clearwater and I am a werewolf. I haven't always been one, though. It's just a gene or instinct that made it kick in. Before I was a werewolf, I was just a normal girl growing up with parents and a little brother that loved me. And I was dating Sam Uley back when I was going to high school. But then Sam's gene kicked in and he phased for the first time. He didn't understand what was happening to him and wasn't seen for days. I was freaking out. Luckily, he had a grandfather who helped him, and he finally calmed down. But later on, we had to break up when my cousin Emily came home for a visit. It was summer. When he saw her, he fell in love and accidentally imprinted on her. He got mad, started to phase, and she was standing too close to him. Now he regrets not being able to control the anger. I'm the last to become part of the pack. My brother, Seth, phased a little before me. We phased not long after my father, Harry Clearwater, died of a heart attack.

Now that I'm a part of the pack, I feel I always have to fight harder and work harder to show them I can do what they can. You see, I'm the only girl in the pack. That's why.

Ch. 1: New Pack

It's a beautiful day, as I watch Jacob Black and Seth leave the pack to help the bloodsuckers protect Bella Swan. Usually, I don't care, but I do now. I must make sure my brother is safe.

I look around at the pack. Then, without another glance, I race after Jake and Seth.

Leah, what are you doing!? Come back here! I hear the alpha, Sam Uley, think to me.

Lee Lee! Quil thinks to me. Wait!

I'm sorry! I think to Quil.

Forgive me, I think to Sam.

My paws thud across the forest floor, as I use my nose to scent which way they have gone. And as I do, all I can hear now from the pack are howls and barks. But none of them chase after me to stop me.

Half an hour later, I hear my brother and Jacob talking to one another.

It's kind of weird. It's all clear up in my head, except for you. Seth thinks.

I think that means we cut them off by leaving, Jake thinks back.

We have our own pack now.

There is no other pack. There's us and then them, Jake thinks.

Seth is right, I think to Jacob, as I pad towards them, where they stand by a stream.

What are you doing here? Jacob asks.

Looking after my brother.

Go back.

Or what? Are you going to force me? Use the alpha on me?

No. Of course not.

Then I'm staying. And that's final.

I can tell he's unhappy about it, but he continues on, Seth at his right, me at his left. I think I could get used to this, after all. As long as we don't quarrel too badly.

Not long afterward, we arrive outside the house and Edward comes out. Jake and Seth tell him in thoughts what is going on.

Later, we start patrolling around the Cullen territory, just in case Sam comes to attack, continuing even through the night.

Ch.2: Attack

We stop in our tracks in patrolling, hearing running paws and seeing the pack. We then race towards the Cullen house howling an alarm.

Mayday! Mayday! Seth thinks, as he howls.

Get ready! The pack! Jake thinks to them, as he howls.

The pack is coming! I howl.

Leah, stay by Bella and blondie. Keep them from getting to her. I'll head straight for Sam. No complaints. Jake orders me.

Seth, fight off as many as you can, Jake orders him.

What if Rosalie doesn't want my help? I ask him.

Then keep away unless she or Bella need help, he replies.

Sure enough, as I try to go to Bella to help protect her, Rose hisses at me. I whine and back off. Then I fling myself into the fight, pinning Embery down on his back, teeth bared. He bares his teeth back at me and we fight with teeth and claws. Then I make him flee and pin Quil down on his back.

Quil, I know you don't want to do this. Go home before you hurt someone, or someone hurts you.

But Sam...

Don't think about him. Just go.

Thanks, Leah.

I let him up and watch him dart out the door. Then I feel him phase.

I look around me to see who needs help.

A moment later, I leap on and pin Jared down on his back, teeth bared, protecting Esme.

Get off me, Leah, he growls.

Stay away from the Cullens, I growl back.

Soon, I have him fleeing.

"Thank you," Esme says to me.

I wag my tail and then race off to help others.

Later, the fight ends with the rest of the pack fleeing, the three of us going home, the Cullens all being okay, and Bella living as a vampire after having Renesmee, who Jake later imprints on.

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