Chapter 3: The Nighttime Blues

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Rosa stood, watching everyone's conversations... then she just passed out while standing. "Rosa!" Nii screamed out. Gene noticed her cousin collapse then rushed toward her, "Ro!" Krimson looks at the girl confused as to what happened.

Violet gasps in shock "mum- I mean, Rosa!" "Everyone stay away!" Gene picks up her cousin and gently smacks her face.

Coal had finished his cookie, but it seemed yelling wasn't the only thing these apparent students were good at. He looked towards the commotion, seeing someone collapse. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He took a small step forward towards the others, but still kept his distance.

Meanwhile, Draco tries talking to the person on the roof. "Not interested" the girl says "only here to sneak a smoke" she adds.

Rosa continued to be passed out. Nii pulled Rosa's head onto her lap, gently placing a hand on her forehead, "I said stay away! Fuck you're annoying!" Gene shouts. Violet wiggles over slowly ending up next to Rosa "maybe she could use a cookie?"

"WHY ISNT ANYONE FUCKIN LISTENING TO ME!" she furious now, steam is coming out of her nose. Violet squeals and wiggles away in fear.

Draco apologises, "sorry I'm here to look at the stars and moon, its a thing I do it brings back memories"

Rosa instantly snapped awake to try to calm Gene down
G: "Gene! I'm fine! Don't worry! I'm fine! I'm just sleepy is all!

"GR! I TOLD EVERYONE TO STAY AWAY! JUST LET ME PROTECT MY ONLY FAMILY! FOR FUCK SAKE!" Gene clenches her fists. Violet wiggles back "if..... if it's ok with you miss could she have a cookie?" She says terrified of Gene.
Rosa just pulled Gene into a hug, stroking her hair gently, "Get.. The fuck.. Off me Rosa!" Gene screams angrily.

"It is a nice spot" the girl says to Draco.

"S-Sorry..." Rosa says with tears in her eyes. "Im fuckin leaving!" Gene storms over to her bag and picks it up before leaving even though the door is shut.

Coal watched with a small frown, crossing his arms over his chest and rolling his eyes. These students were just children, throwing temper tantrums and handing out cookies. They had no idea what they were getting into.

A teacher with pink hair tries to intervene (This is Sakura), "Miss Simone..."

Gene flips the teacher the bird while leaving the hall. "This might need Ozpin's attention..." Sakura walks off to find Ozpin.

"Listen... kid... you see this sky up here? If You tell anyone what I was doing here.... it'll be the last thing you see" the girl threats to Draco.

"People confusing you too?" Krimson says approaching coal, Violet waves a cookie in front of Rosa. Rosa gasps,
"For me!? Thank you so much!"

Coal looked at the teacher and nearly groaned. More people... More socialization.... Why was he here? "I'm here to study, and become a Hunter. Everyone is acting like a child." Coal groaned.

Boudicca walks over to everyone, "Im so sorry for her behaviour. She hasn't been the same since the attack..." "I know what you mean" Krimson says.

"She doesn't know how to talk to people the same way anymore. She's very protective of Rosa, being family of course" Boudicca explains. "I wish my family was like that" Violet whispers to herself.

Coal just looked around the room again. The teacher was gone, probably to get Ozpin. Why Ozpin wasn't here already coal wasn't sure. Surely if he cared about the students he would help with orientation.

"Yeah, don't worry I won't tell anyone I don't really care what you do its really none of my business" Draco says. "Good" the girl says flicking the cigarette and stepping on it.

Suddenly inside the hall the lights turn off causing violet to squeal again, the only source of light remaining is the candles keeping the room dimly lit.

"Well i think we all better start getting ready for nigh nighs!" Honey smiles.

Coal looked up, wincing when he heard the squeal. Children... He was stuck fighting along side children... Surely they couldn't be real hunters and huntresses, how could they?  They all seemed too... Happy. Carefree. That didn't explain why the lights went off. Wait, it was probably time to sleep. Coal at least hoped it was. That seemed to be the only logical explanation.

Meanwhile, Sakura stormed the halls of Beacon to find Ozpin. "Shouldn't you be in bed?" A teacher calls out to her, "Oh, Mr Grieves, There was a situation happening to the first years" Sakura said, "Part of your initiation is to deal with said situations" Mr Grieves stated, "well, this one is, how you say, unique" Sakura calmly said, "How so?" Grieves says.

"It's Miss Simone, she's having a bit of a challenging start" Sakura explains. "Please explain further" Grieves says.

Meanwhile, Gene is outside of the school having a sneaky smoke and a sip of her 'juice' while in a tree, "Im gonna be in so much fuckin shit" she takes the last drag from her smoke.

"She had a bit of a meltdown, I tried to help her, but she decided to 'flip me off' and leave the premises" Sakura sighs, She kinda just left, and that's why I was looking for Ozpin. "You know ozpin couldn't be here today, as much as it pains him" Grieves says.

"Yes ozpin is conveniently not here and yet your the only one that knows where he is?" A second voice says.

Sakura grabs her katanas: who's there?

The voice is revealed to be another teacher, Scarlet Scarlet. "oh, Scarlet. We're having a situation with Miss Simone, she's currently outside the dorm, and we need her back for her safety"

"I'll handle it, Mr Grieves is better suited to more.... combative situations" scarlet says.

Scarlett leaves heading out in search of Gene.

Back in the room, Violet wiggles her way into a small alcove. Krimson looks around them climbs atop a table and lays on top it "highest point makes me safer" they whisper to themselves. Rosa had fallen asleep very quickly.

Gene is suddenly approached by the handsome professor known as Scarlet Scarlet...

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