1:29 a.m.

Phil is typing...

Phil: hey

Dan: hi

Phil: uh I need ur opinion

Dan: on what?

Phil: uh, this person I like

Dan: oh?

Phil: like I need help deciding if I should like

Phil: confess or to know for sure if they're like

Phil: a good person

Dan: okay? Well descfjve the.

Phil: brown hair and eyes. Hair is curly

Phil: they're annoying sometimes

Phil: but cute so it's okay

Phil: they're funny and uh that's it

Dan: v descriptive

Dan: they sound gross

Dan: u should confess

Phil: shit okay

Phil: what should I say

Dan: say

Dan: hey u i like u, ur cute d8 me

Phil: seriously

Dan: yes

Dan: go do it

Phil: so like

Phil: hey u I like u, ur cute d8 me

Dan: ya that's what I said now gO

Phil: r u dumb

Dan: no? Y

Phil: dude

Dan: what

Phil: u dude

Dan: what about me

Phil: dAn

Dan: what

Phil: u really r dumb aren't u

Dan: ??

Phil: I like u u dumbass

Dan: what

Dan: wajt

Dan: actually

Phil: yes actually

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