Growing up British

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The day that Ryo Bakura was born was just like any other day. The sun was shining and the air was cool and crisp, but unknowingly to the Bakura Family, this small tiny child was destined for greatness and darkness. Funny how those two things go together.

Years passed, and soon the little Bakura was sent off to school with only one token from his family, an ancient Egyptian artifact.

The rest is ancient history.


"Hey Bakura, wait up."

"Sorry Joey, I didn't see you there," Bakura apologized with a slight British accent. "I was just lost in thought I guess."

"About what? School! Give me a break," Joey exclaimed. "You shouldn't give a single hoot about school. I like to live life in the moment."

"I don't know Joey. We are supposed to be preparing for the future."

"Yeah, and I'm preparing for my next meal," the blonde replied.

"But you just had lunch."

"Exactly. Anyway, I'm off to meet the gang at the game shop if you want to come."

The shy boy perked up at the thought of his friends. After all, they were the only ones who seemed to refrain from picking on him. He'd only met them just last week, but he was certain that his new friends would be there to support him.

"Earth to Bakura? Are you still there?"

"Whoops. Just dazed off for a second. Yeah, I'll meet you there," Bakura replied.

Joey then nodded and left on his bike with a little flourish. Bakura walked toward his apartment, needing to pick up some books before heading out. On his walk over he held a small smile on his face at the thought of seeing his friends again.

Upon his arrival at his apartment Bakura walked up the stairs to the third floor and fished around in his pocket for his keys. It got lonely at times in the little room since his parents had left him to return to their research in Egypt. He began searching around for his books, taking his mind off of the past.

Where did I put the blasted things? Here, nope. I really should unpack all of these boxes.

The truth was that Bakura had recently moved in to Domino City and had yet to organize his things. Boxes were stacked across the room with trinkets, clothing, and other essentials. After rummaging through several boxes he was able to locate the books he was looking for.

There, all done. Bakura smiled to himself at the thought of sharing his books with the others at the game shop. Just as Bakura began heading to the door a clanging was heard back in the boxes.

"What was..." Bakura mumbled under his breath. Suddenly he spotted an odd ring laying on the ground next to the boxes. Inside the ring was a pyramid with the eye of Horus on it, while little diamond-shaped tear drops hung off of the ring itself.

The ring emitted a strange energy, beckoning to the innocent boy. Bakura took a step away from the door, and then another, and another until the ring laid directly below him. The ring seemed to hold promises and pulsed a strange yellow light. The sound from the outside world became muted as the innocent boy's eyes fixated on the ring. A shaking hand reached for it and—

Suddenly his phone in his pocket buzzed, snapping him out of the strange trance.


"Hey Bakura, this is Miho. Where are you, Joey told Tea and I that you would be at the game shop today?" A squeaky voice spoke on the phone.

"Miho.... You're....?"

"We have math together Bakura. I know I'm not super important, but at least try to remember me," Miho huffed on the phone.

"Oh no Miho, it's not you. I'm just new here. I promise it won't happen again." Bakura blushed with shame. He should've remembered the girl that always hung out with Tea. The two were inseparable. "Anyway, I'm just on my way out. I'll be right over." With that Bakura hung up and promptly left his apartment to meet everyone at the game shop.

Lying forgotten on the ground was the mysterious ring which seemed to hum with annoyance. While the ring appeared harmless, the artifact contained one of the most fiendish of souls—Zorc. Well, the more intelligent and mischievous side of Zorc. While the true form of Zorc was resting somewhere in Anzient Egypt, this manipulative form of Zorc was more simply known as Yami, and boy did he have big plans. Plans that involved this unsuspecting boy. Yami didn't take well to waiting, but until Bakura was formally introduced to the spirit that was all the being could do. Sit and wait for the perfect opportunity.

A/N: Hey everyone this is just a fun little idea that I had. Don't expect too much as my life is so busy. I recently got addicted to Yugioh and began reading some fanfics out there. Just saying there were some really good ones I was vibing with and some interesting ones that I just nodded along with.

I'm not sure where this particular story is going, I just felt an urge to write. Anyways, thanks for your time and I just might continue writing this story. We'll see. I'm trying to avoid writing about the game of Duel Monsters as I'm only educated from the anime and manga and don't know a whole lot about the real card game.

See ya!

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