part 16

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*after the wedding at the dinner*
Alex: *stands up and smiles* I would like to make an announcement me and Jo are getting married and she is pregnant!
Jo: *smiles*
Mark: *looks at Jo confused*
*Everyone except mark congratulates them*
*The next day*
Jo: *wakes up*
Alex: *wakes up* I'm so happy Bailey gave us the day off
Jo: *smiles at him*
Alex: I love you so much
Jo: I love you to *grabs his face and kisses him*
Alex: *kisses back and takes her shirt off*
*Meanwhile at the hospital*
Mark: I can't believe she's marrying him
Meredith: I think we all knew it was gonna happen sooner or later
Mark: but why did it have to be now
Meredith: there in love and there having a baby they've been trying for months maybe even a year
Mark: I'm not so sure it's his
Meredith: wait what
Mark: nothing *walks away*

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