Chapter 5

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Y/N= Your name
F/C = Favorite Color
A/C= Any color
H/C= Hair color
E/C= Eye color
S/C= Skin color

Bill's POV

At one point, I had tried to enter Y/N's dream. I was curious, but I wasn't let in. This had never happened before.

If I wanted to enter someone's dream, I could do it just by thinking about it. But, for some reason, I couldn't enter.

'I could just change her dream and maybe then I could enter,' I thought. But, I didn't have enough power yet. I did just get resurrected a few hours ago.

But then the question hit me. How did I even get into the Shack anyways? Didn't Sixer put up that unicorn hair barrier? So, how did I get in here. Maybe it could've worn down over the years. Or, a hair could've moved out of place. Or maybe, since Y/N can get inside, I can too, since we could only be so far apart.

But, we may not even be connected. I could just be trapped in this dimension. I guess it would be a good idea though to make sure about that. I guess when she wakes up, we could test how far apart we could be.

I looked over at Pine Tree and Shooting Star. 'Hm,' I thought. 'What I entered their dreams and gave a little surprise visit.'

I almost entered their dreams when I came to a conclusion that maybe I shouldn't just let them know that I'm alive just yet. It would be smart to wait for a bit. I bet they would find a way to actually kill me within a good amount of time.

It would be very easy to kill me at this state. Maybe once I can get stronger, maybe I could use Y/N to get me out of the mindscape. That's when I thought up an idea.

Ever since Weirdmageddon, there has been rips all around Gravity Falls. If we could find one of them, we could just use the rip to open a gateway back to the nightmare realm. Yes, I will have a human open up the gate, but that is why I will go along with this connected souls thing, instead of just killing Y/N. She is probably the only person I could use for this. But, the only reason I cannot just go and look for a rift today and gain control once again. So I can show my significance to the Demon Lord. So I can rule with him.

The only reason is because I don't have enough power to make a physical form. I have to have a good amount of power to make a good, strong, physical form. So, opening the gate will have to wait, at the most one to three months. I guess I will just have to wait until the-.


"Well, looks who's up," I say, exiting the Mindscape.

Y/N jumped at the sight of me, but once she remembered who I was she calmed down a bit. She looked over at Dipper, then Mabel who were sleeping. "Phew," she breathed. "I didn't wake them."

"What was that all about?" I asked.

"Oh," she whispered. "I get nightmares sometimes, and that's just how I wake up from them half the time."

"They're that bad?" I asked. I mean, yeah, I've given people nightmares that have driven them to insanity. But, I mean, it's not every time a human wakes up from a nightmare, that I haven't given them, screaming.

"Yeah, I guess," she responded checking her phone, which said 4:32 A.M. She sighed, "Well, I'm going to head downstairs and make breakfast. Wanna come?"

"I don't think I have a choice."

Y/N just made some toast for her breakfast. I hadn't been inside this house for so long. Two years had it been? So much had changed, I was rather surprised how much nothing had changed. There was the same recliner, the same chair. A lot of the same characteristics, but it had a different feel. I couldn't quite tell what the difference was. But, there was definitely something different.

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