Chapter 6

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{Disclaimer: This chapter mentions the Bill being alive theory (I mean, the book wouldn't work if this theory didn't exist). It mostly brings up the Axolotl part of it but, if you don't know about the theory, I suggest watching a video on it. I know there is at least one out there. Just look up Gravity Falls theories, and I bet something about Bill being alive would come up. It'll just be more understandable if you just watch a video about it. Alright I'll shut up and let you read the story.}


Y/N= Your name

F/C = Favorite Color

A/C= Any color

H/C= Hair color

E/C= Eye color

S/C= Skin color


"Who are you talking to, Y/N?"

Darn it.

I quickly turned around and saw Dipper and Mabel behind me. "O-oh, uhh..," I stuttered. "Just talking to myself, why are you guys up?"

"Why are you up?" Dipper countered.

"Oh... not important. But seriously, don't tell me I woke you guys up," I said.

"Well..," Mabel started.

"I did," I groaned. I really need to work on being quieter.

Mabel came up and side-hugged me, "Don't worry about it, at least now we'll have an even longer day full of fun and awesomeness."

I stared at her confused, "What do you mean?"

Mabel let go of me and Dipper said, "Well, we were wondering if you wanted to go out to the forest with us. We could show some things we know."

"Really?" I questioned.

"I mean," Dipper said. "It wouldn't bother us."

"Nice!" I exclaimed. Then, after realizing how loud I was, I quickly repeated quieter, "Nice."

Mabel giggled, "Well, I think we should go to back sleep."

Dipper nods and they head up the stairs. I went to follow, but something grabbed my arm. I turned around and saw Bill. I almost forgot he was there. I wasn't even going to ask how he could touch me, so I just ignored it. Dipper turned around and asked, "You comin'?"

"I'll be up in a minute," I answered. Dipper looked at me skeptically, but then continued up the stairs.

I turned to Bill and whispered, "What's up?"

"Look, while we're in the forest, ask them about the lab. Find a way to get the password," He reminded.


"Just find a way to bring up the topic, and get them to mention the password."

"Thanks for the help."

Bill groaned, "Whatever, just try, alright? I'm going to the mindscape." And with that he disappeared.

That was weird, even for him. I wonder what's going on, I thought.

I walked up into the bedroom to see Mabel and Dipper already in bed. I reluctantly get in bed and slowly drift to sleep. And thank god I forgot my dream when I woke up.

The twins and I woke up around six A.M. We had went to bed early, so I wasn't surprised. We had went downstairs for breakfast after we had gotten dressed. I didn't eat anything since I had already eaten (like at four in the morning). We decided we would go out to the forest around ten A.M. and then come back for lunch.

We just hung around until ten. We watched some T.V. (the shows still sucked), played outside, and helped around the store when it opened. The Shack opened around nine, so we had to work for an hour. We didn't work for money, we just worked there because it helps Soos and Melody so they don't have to do everything.

We just swept, ran the cashier, restocked some souvenirs, and greeted customers. That's about it. Soos and Melody said it was fine if we left work that day, so we were already ok'd.

I had realized that I never saw Bill all day. It did surprise me, but I just came to the conclusion he was in the mindscape. But, when it was about time to leave, I had wondered what was keeping Bill so occupied.

The twins and I had packed a backpack (which Dipper agreed to carry) full of supplies. Things like water, bug spray, and a flashlight (even though it was the middle of the day). We had everything ready. We were about to leave when I had begun to wonder where Bill was. He wouldn't stay invisible in the Mindscape for that long, would he?

"Y/N?" Mabel called. "You coming?"

I turned and run out the door, "Sorry!"

Bill's POV

So, at least I figured out what's going on with the barrier.

Apparently, the unicorn hair's magic wears off after a few years. I could tell because I saw the hair, and instead of rainbow hair I saw grey. This was also when I figured out how far I could be from Y/N. About fifty feet seemed to be the limit. There was some sort of barrier that stopped me from moving any farther. So that would explain why I couldn't teleport the first time.

I had also went down to the lab, because, thankfully, the cash register was pretty close to the vending machine and the lab is directly below the shack (which apparently is about fifty feet underground) . I had looked around and saw most of the machines were destroyed. Actually, almost everything was destroyed. The portal room was mostly rubble from the portal incident that happened two years ago. Man, was it funny when Pine Tree and Shooting Star learned that Fez was lying to them the entire time. 

But, obviously the destruction in everywhere else in the lab must've been from Weirdmageddon. I mean, they did turn the house into a robot. But, I could see Sixer did try to clean up before he went on his "adventure" with Fez.

Ugh, I remembered when I was erased. Good thing I made the deal with the Axolotl. I was sent back to the nightmare realm a year ago and was killed not long after by Tarek. And then for the next entire year I was as dead as a statue (Heh, funny, because I actually was a statue). I wonder... what if Tarek didn't actually kill me? Well, he did, but... What if the Axolotl wanted me to be alive at this time? What if the Axolotl brought me back to life? I mean, why let me be alive now?

Whatever, it's not important. I needed to find the journals. I know Sixer hadn't taken them with him. Because, last I checked, Journal 3 was already almost full with Pine Tree's scribbling, and the other two were completely full. So, I knew Sixer probably made a fourth Journal and brought that with him. But, where would the other Journals be?

I knew Sixer pretty well, so I immediately checked a small compartment that apart of his desk where he used to put the Journals before he had hidden them. It was empty and full of cobwebs. 

"Alright," I told myself. "If you were Sixer, where would you put the Journals?"

I had checked underground compartments (would they be called under-underground compartments since I'm underground already?), drawers, under rubble, literally everywhere. Then the thought struck me like lightning. Did Pine Tree already get the journals?

What if he has had them the entire time? I never questioned that Sixer could have given Pine Tree the journals before he went on his expedition. If Pine Tree has the Journals, he probably will bring them on the trip through the forest.

Great! We could still get them and break the bond. But how? I had decided to leave the lab since there wasn't really anything that could help. I floated through the ceiling and appeared in the gift shop. I could do that easily since I was basically a ghost. I saw Y/N running the door, looks like I came back up just in time. I floated after her, so no invisible wall would start pushing me after Y/N when she got far enough. But the question was, how would we get any Journal without Dipper knowing? Whelp, I guess Y/N and I are just going to have to improvise.

{This was more of a filler than anything. I still had somethings that I wanted to explain, so I wanted to at least get them explained. I know this was a day late, but I didn't have internet yesterday, so this will have to do. Chapter 7 should be out on Feb. 15th.}

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