Part 8

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Part 8

Dubai Airport:

NK's mobile rang. He looked at the caller id and sighed in irritation.

"Whose call is it ?"asked Khushi with a frown.

"Who else!! That Lisa.. I don't understand why is she behind me. I have clearly given her hints that I am not interested in her but she doesn't seem to understand" said NK

Khushi sighed and thought for few minutes..

"I have an idea" said Khushi.

"What idea" asked NK.

Khushi said to him her idea and NK opened his mouth wide..

"Are you mad ?? How can I say like that ?"said NK.

"It is just my suggestion.. It is upto you to follow or not" said Khushi shrugging off her shoulders.

" Do you think it will work ?"asked NK.

"Definitely" said Khushi..

"But..."NK stopped thinking in between.

"NK.. If you want you can follow my advice if not then your wish.. I won't force you to follow my order" said Khushi..

Just then NK's mobile rang again.. He closed his eyes in despair and stood up, went aside to talk..

"Hi Lisa" said NK.

"HI NK.. What happened man ?? You left for India without informing me.. That's too bad.. I am angry on you" said Lisa.

"Ohh.. That's.."NK stopped not knowing what to say.

"It's OK.. I heard that your sister's marriage is fixed.. So, you left for India.. I will also come for marriage.. Who knows may be your family likes me ?? You said naa you will give more priority to your family" said Lisa.

NK scratched his head not knowing what to talk.. She is attached to him like a glue..

"Lisa.. Actually, I need to say a secret about me.. No one knows about it until now.. Not even my family. Now also, I am saying this because I don't want you to spoil your life by waiting for me" said NK with a serious tone..

Hearing NK's serious voice, even Lisa too became serious..

"What is it NK ?"asked Lisa..

"Actually, the thing is that... *pause a bit* I am interested I mean I am a gay Lisa" said NK closing his eyes..

There was huge gasp from the other side followed by sheer silence..

"Lisa.. Are you there ?"asked NK.

"Yeah Yeah NK.. I understand.. It's OK.. It's OK.. I won't bother you again" said Lisa with a crying voice and disconnected the call.

NK sighed in relief thinking that Lisa wont' disturb him now but he failed to notice Arnav who was shocked to listen NK's truth.. He came near Khushi

"What happened ?"asked Khushi with a nervous tone.

"Your idea was success.. I lied to her that I was a gay" said NK.

Khushi smiled nervously.

"What happened now ?"asked NK.

"Actually NK, I am thinking what if Lisa spread this news to everyone.. What will happen to your reputation" asked Khushi..

NK now got the point and became nervous too. Khushi started biting her nails..

"Let it be.. Whatever may happen.. Leave it" said NK..

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