He Gets Jealous! (Part 1)

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Melissa is upstairs with her friends Gisell and Leslee! Her friends are really cool! And Melissa well she's my girlfriend so you know I love her! ❤️ I go upstairs to mine and Melissa's room where they are as they're all behind the laptop watching YouTube videos usually their watching our old music videos! But this time is was like you could here a much of guys laughing in the background as someone trying to say something. They didn't know I was standing in the door way because their eyes were glued to the laptop. What the hell are they watching! Then Leslee breaks the silence "OMFG MATT IS SO FUCKING HOT!!!" She said. "Nooo!!! Cameron and his Abs!!!" Melissa, MELISSA, said! "What about my abs and Niall's Leslee?" I said. Making them jump. "OMG harry don't tell Niall I said that, and I never said anything about abs your girlfriend did!" She said laughing. "What no I didn't, ok maybe I did but omg Harry why would we be dating you guys if we didn't like you?" Melissa said smiling. "Omg I'm so glad I didn't say anything, well at least I haven't yet!" Gisell said laughing.

Leslee was on the couch with Melissa. Leslee was on her laptop with Melissa on her phone. "Is this why you guys hangout?" I said. "What do you mean?" Leslee asked looking up smiling. Her smile is so beautiful. "You know all you guys do when you hangout is being on the laptop or phone." I said laughing. "Where actually doing something." Melissa said. All I did was nod my head and walked into the kitchen. "OMG have you seen Cam's grind on me vine!" Melissa yelled really loud. I got closer to see what Leslee was going to say. "OMG..... Nooo!" She said laughing. "Why not what's wrong with you?" Melissa said give her the are-fucking-serious face. "I mean I don't know I've seen the one where he's grinding on a huge teddy bear! Damn that boys has an ass!" Leslee said. What well I have a bigger dick for sure! "No I'm talking about the one where he's like "oh I know this song" and starts grinding on the floor and he's dressed as a nerd!" Melissa said. WHAT!!!! I can show Leslee way better!!
Tanya is in our room with Leslee. I heard them laughing at I don't know what, but it seemed pretty funny because they were laughing pretty loud. When I walked in to change my shirt Tanya was like "your just gonna change right here in front of Leslee!" And I said yeah you may be my girlfriend but your new to this whole thing I've know Leslee for so long because of Niall so she probably seen all of me! With that Leslee was like "yeah and I've seen better." "Really like who!" I said. "Umm..... Matt Espinosa!" Leslee said. "Dude yesss!!! And Shawn Mendes!" Tanya joined in on the fangirling! "Hah let me take look at these guys" I said.
Me, Gisell, Leslee, Melissa, and Harry are out in downtown LA. Then a group of girls run towards me and Harry and the girls moved of to the side. Then I hear Leslee say "OMG GUYS LOOK ITS NASH AND CARTER!" And they ran in their direction! Nash recognized Leslee because as soon as he saw her he puts his arms around her if only Niall was hear I wonder what he would do. But then Carter had his arms around Gisell. Oh hell no something's about to go down! I told our fans we had to go and as soon as Carter saw me coming he let go of Gisell and gave Melissa a small hug and started talking to them. Your probably wondering how they know each other before Leslee was going out with Niall she was going out with Carter but she said things didn't really go the way she planned and she still talked to the rest of the guys and Carter. Anyways I think Nash has a crush on Leslee. And Leslee told me that when she was going out with Carter he cheated on her with Gisell. In my mind I was like so why are you still friends with Gisell and I guess she like knew and said I'm still friends with Gisell because I know she didn't mean to hurt me and she didn't Carter did NOT Gisell she's like a sister and sisters fight! But right now I wanna beat the shit out of Carter for holding MY girlfriend to long and no girl be cheated on.
My Girlfriend Alison is so beautiful and right now I'm with her Leslee and Niall at the mall. I just love the mall😂😂! We were walking and they spotted areopostale! GREAT! "Wait what's today's date?" Leslee asked. "It's the 22 why?" Niall and I asked. "ALISON come on we still have time!" Leslee said or yelled whatever 😂😂😂. "What why?" Alison said. "Dude Cater, Nash, Cam, and Hayes are in areopostale for their clothing coming out and their taking pics and giving out autographs come on!" Leslee said walking towards areopostale. "What how could we forget!!" Alison said. "I don't know but let's go before it gets to crowed." Leslee said. "Well Niall come on man because we'll probably lose them." I said. "Yeah I don't wanna lose my princess!" Niall said. Sometimes he's way overprotective of her WAYYYY!! 😂😂😂 we followed the girls in the store. We stood in line for like 10 minutes and it was Leslee and Alison's turn to meet these "4 guys". I just want to get out of here. And a lot of girls that were leaving were asking is for pictures! I saw the girls take their picture but before they left a guys with brown eyes and a quiff gave Alison a piece of paper and I saw a guy with blue eyes he had brownish hair with blonde highlights give her a piece of paper. And we walked and the girls started fangirling. "What did those guys give yall in the pieces of paper?" I asked. "I don't know let me check?" Leslee said. Alison was already checking she stopped right in the middle of the mall and she looked like she was going to cry and Leslee did the same. "No way!" Alison and Leslee said at the same time. "What?!?" Me and Niall asked. "Nash gave me his phone number and it's says to call him sometime!" Leslee said blushing. And Niall grew red with anger. "Mine says the same thing except with Cam's phone number!" Alison said. And now it was my turn to turn red with anger me and Niall were just staring at each other. "Well are you going to use that number?" Me and Niall asked. "Are freakin serious..... Of course not I have my Prince Charming right here!" Leslee said smiling and giving Niall a kiss. Alison looked at her ad her ave said it all Are you fuckin serious. "Well I mean I would call him but that's it I have you Liam!" Alison said and gave me a hug. Leslee put the number in her pocket and walked off Niall was still red but he was blushing because Leslee was giving him kisses the way. And Alison was like still shocked so I gave her a kiss!

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