Real Directioners!

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Ok so here's the deal! Don't act like your a Directioner if you don't even know their names come on, everyone is going to see your just some fake fan that 'likes' then cause their hot. Like no just STOP!

Real Directioners are the ones who have been here since DAY ONE! We don't go to concerts because we don't have the money, we just can't , etc. When we do go to concert we dress like a we would everyday and the boys don't recognize us because we don't wear extreme outfits. But I want you to know that if your a Real Directioner keep it that way those "Directioners" that send Hate, Death Threats, Mob the boys, etc. the boys don't like that I mean come on even Louis called out Parents for saying that their music is inappropriate. Liam called out some "fan" because she said something about Sophia. Like come on I know everyone loved Payzer but we need to face reality an say well you know what I'm Happy as long as the boys are happy! But NO it's like at school with those FAKE BITCHES. And it goes something like this:

Fake Bitch: OMG!
You: you don't have to say OMG just say Oh my god.
Fake Bitch: excuse me? Who are you?
You: the one who stole your boyfriend last year.
Fake bitch: your such a fake!
You: look who's talking bitch! *walks away with all of the sass Louis has taught you*

Maybe not something like that but you get the point! So basically what I'm trying to say that us Real Hard fucking core Directioners don't get as much attention from the boys but trust there's going to be a day when the boys get tired of the (Bullshit) and the Real Directioners are going to get a fucking Grammy for being so Damon Nice and didn't even bother the boys. Ok maybe not a Grammy but we'll get noticed! Peace out bæs!😘🙌~Leslee💕

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