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"neville killing voldemort was such a twist on the ending!, all of the movies have been created for voldemorts' attempts on destroying harrys' life making us suspect harry would end the dark lord... but bam!, neville comes along with the fucking sword and slaughters the snake ass bitch" louis exclaims.

harry stares at him as he gets worked up over harry potter.

the boys had spent around 10 minutes deciding on a movie until they passed harry potter making louis protest for a marathon.

harry being the smitten kitten agreed to it of course.

"do you fancy heading out for dinner?" harry suggests playing with louis' fingers.

the smaller boy shrugs.

"i don't mind." louis lies. harry could tell from his facial expression that he wanted to leave the house but he didn't want to seem pushy.

harry stands up holding his hand out for louis.

louis looks at harry confused before hesitatingly gripping his hand. "put your shoes on, i'm going to take you to this lovely diner i go to a lot." harry winks causing louis to blush.

"i'm classing this as a first date" louis smirks confidently.

the curly haired lad pinches the side of louis' stomach making his dominance shatter in seconds.

harry thinks he could listen to louis' giggle all fucking day.


{i'm learning french so bare with me if there's any mistakes i'm not that good at it yet!!}

"bonjour, bienvenue à batteuse! nom de réservation?" the lady at the fromt desk smiles.

she has brown hair tied in a bun and pale pink lipstick coating her lips. her name tag reading 'jaymie' purched on her freshly ironed work attire.

"styles" harry replies. jaymie smiles politely leading the boys to a restricted table at the back.

louis look around noticing cute plants surrounding the beautifully cleaned room, an arch way seperating the restricted section from the usual seatings.

jaymie hands the boys their menu each telling them their waiter will arrive any minute with the champayne and a notepad for orders.

"i didn't know you understood french?" louis mentions looking through the menu.

"oui" harry replies cockily placing his menu down.

louis chews on his bottom lip while they wait in comfortable silence for the waiter.

"bonjour! i'm nick and i'll be your waiter for tonight!" the waiter smiles placing a bottle of expensive looking wine down on the table.

nick writes down their orders taking his time with harry, batting his eyelashes whenever harry glances at him.

louis scoffs at their attempt of flirting.

"this is really expensive! how did you even afford this?" louis say picking up the large bottle of wine examining it.

harry clears his throat before speaking, "i have quite a large bank account, i never really wanted anything as a child except peace and quiet so all my pocket money went into a bank account for when i was 18. turns out pocket money to mum was £80 a week." harry laughs gently.

louis places the wine back on the table just as harry grabs a hold of it pouring them both a glass.

nick comes back shortly after with their meals winking at harry who just smiles politely at him.

louis rolls his eyes, harry's either blind, too nice and oblivious for his own good or he doesn't mind the attention.

he's probably been here before knowing that a charming waiter would be willing to return to his service.

louis look at the meal infront of him, he had ordered the same as harry not knowing what any of the meals were only to now reaoise it's just a fancier version of spaghetti bolanaise.


after the boys eat in silence nick returns with the bill, impressively carrying all the empty plates back to the kitchen and hurrying back to harry for the money.

harry scans over the paper squinting a little to read the total. he hands nick his credit card while louis sits there watching nick blush and harry carress his fucking hand.

louis is so not classing this as a date anymore.

the doncaster lad sighs in frustration hoping nick would hurry up.

"here's your card, harry. make sure you call me later." nick winks, wiggling his flat arse back to the kitchen turning his head to see louis glaring making him giggle a little.

louis forcefully stands up making his way to the door with harry trailing behind.

"louis?," harry calls out. "wait up would ya?" he runs a little to keep up with my pace.

'why is louis so mad all of a sudden?' harry thinks.

louis keep his eyes trained on the street ahead not giving in to his eyes.

"what was wrong back there? didn't you like the food?," harry asks confused.

"talk to me please" he pleads.

louis feels the hot tears sting his eyes as louis faces towards him. "i bet dates with him wouldn't go like this, eh?" louis questions looking at the pavement.

"he's so charming and beautiful and actually knows how to flirt like of course you'd want his number!" louis crosses his arms over his chest like a young child begging for candy.

harry looks at louis in confusion before snapping onto what he's talking about.

"you mean the waiter? he wrote his number on the bill," harry laughs hooking lol s chin to look at him. "doesn't mean i took it."

louis blushes slightly at his un-needed behaviour, knocking his heels together like dorothy. "oh" he whispers shyly.

"plus this was the date i was supposed to ask you out on, why would i want someone else?" harry kisses louis' cheek wrapping him into a warm hug.

"ask me then" louis mumble in harrys' ear. harry pulls back.

"you mean like now?" he says motioning the streets around them.

louis nods furiously wanting him to hurry up and make him harrys'.

"okay then," the taller lad begins.

"would you, louis tomlinson.. like to be my, harry styles lovely boyfriend?" louis grins widely throwing himself into harrys' arms.

"i'd love to" louis kisses the corner of harrys' mouth pulling away to watch him blush.

harry grabs louis by his waist pressing their lips together.

"best date ever." harry mumbles. louis giggle against his lips.

"you could do better."


fucking nick

I wanted their date to be cute but then i realise that i needed nick in the story for future chapters so i added him in a lil earlier than planned

(book #2 was going to be about 20-30 chapters but im cutting it down to 10-15 because book #3 is mpreg so!!! (i think i mentioned this last chapter but i forgot oops)

this chapter isn't supposed to be up until next week but i'm sick so enjoy !

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