Chapter 34: Barris

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I wake up in a hospital bed. I look around and see Master Windu and Ahsoka sitting by my bedside.

"What happened..?" I ask rubbing my eyes as I adjust to the light.

"Turns out that the bond has not been broken." Ahsoka says giving Master Windu a salty look.

"It wasn't my idea. It was Master Shaak Ti's." He says looking down at his lap.

"Why..?" I say looking at him.

"She was wondering if it really was a Force Bond or something else." He says playing with his fingers, "So that was the only way to find out. Shaak Ti is wise (Y/n)."

"Why didn't she see this earlier?!" I exclaim hitting my fist on the bed, "Where is Obi?!"

"He is in his room. He is resting-"

Master Windu was cut off my the door opening to reveal three familiar faces, Master Yoda, Shaak Ti and Obi.

I watch as Obi face lights up, he runs over to me and gives me a massive hug, filled with all of his love.

"You're okay!" He exclaims squeezing me.

"Of course I'm okay, when am I not okay?!"

"There's a huge list-"

"That we don't need to hear about!" I exclaim laughing.

He let's go of me and looks at Shaak Ti, "Mind explaining yourself?"

"Why are you on Coruscant? Should t you be on Kamino?" I ask standing up off my bed.

"I will explain my intentions and everything." She says, "Lady (Y/n), General Kenobi, I'm so sorry for the physical and emotional pain I caused you to endure. Barris voices her concerns to me about your relationship. She was curious about the Force Bond. So she asked me if I was interested in it too. That's why this happened, I too am interested in this Force Bond. I have never heard or seen anything like this before."

"I understand your interest. But I do not think that was a good way to find out." Obi says looking at the Master.

"Obi, it's okay." I say waving my hands in the air.

"No, no, it's not okay." Master Windu says looking at his lap, "We endangered two of our best and elite Jedi. And I'm sure that Obi-Wan or (Y/n) would want to die for a stupid reason."

"Master Windu." I say looking at him, "It is okay, the issue as been resolved and we are safe here on Coruscant."

"Yes, dangerous it was." Master Yoda says, "Answers we have."

"We will still do this when we get married?" Obi asks I holding my hand, "Barris is just a Padawan, she has not life experience yet, why follow her?"

"I admitted that I was interested in this as well." Shaak Ti says hanging her head.

"It's okay." I say smiling at the Master, "You wanted to find something out and you did.

"Yes, I did." She says looking at me, "And I am grateful for that opportunity."

A droid comes into the room and gasps, "Lady (Y/n)! You should not be out of the bed! We are tracking your heart rate!"

I look at the droid and smile, "Why's that?"

"I wanted to see if it has any affect on your heart. Since you both claim to have a burning sensation." Shaak Ti says walking over to the droid, "What are the current results?"

"As soon as she arrived back here her heart rate has calmed down. So there is not much information we can gather from that. As soon as Master Kenobi arrived in Coruscant we woke up and he was stable." He droid reports showing holograms to prove what he was saying.

"Yes, then we cannot prove if this is or isn't something to do with the Force." Shaak Ti says scrolling through the information.

"What do you mean Shaak?" I say walking over to her, "Does this prove it?!" I exclaim scrolling back to the top of the page, "There, my heart was beating 140 per minute!"

"Yes, but we do not have any evidence that it was caused by the Force. All we know is that-"

"Obi-Wan experiences the same thing! That cannot be a coincidence!" I exclaim slamming my hand on the table, "Can it?"

"Right, the Lady is." Master Yoda says, walking slowly towards Shaak Ti and I, "No coincidence, this is."

"Thank you, Master Yoda." I say bowing my head.

"Stop, these experiments must." We watching as he walks out of the medical wing and into the white Temple corridors.

Obi, Master Windu, Ahsoka and I follow after him, we head off the to courtyard where Obi proposed to me.

"Good memories." Obi says chuckling.

"It's been two months Obi!" I exclaim laughing, "You really are an old man."

"No, I'm only a few years older than you." He says punching my arm.

"Yes, two years." I laugh.

"Yes, not so much older!"

"I just want to know why Barris wanted that to happen..." I say looking at Ahsoka, "You're friends with her right?"

"Yes, I am." She says looking at me, "What could I possibly do?"

"Heard you, Anakin, Master Luminara and Barris are going on a mission soon." I say smiling.

"You can't be serious." She says looking at me with a smug look, "Such an easy task."

She rolls her eyes with a smile.

"You up for it then?" I say nudging her.

"Of course!" She says, "How exciting!"

"Don't tell Anakin." I say sternly, "I don't think he will approve."

"Ooh! A secret mission!" She exclaims with excitement.

"Yes." Master Windu says, "This is the only way."

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