6|Sort This All Out

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Veronica's POV

"Omg Cheryl... Veronica wtf did you do" Toni yelled in tears.
"Nothing she's just stressed please call the ambulance right now" I cried.
Before I could even finish the statement Toni was giving the ambulance directions to pops.

I decided to call Mrs P. "Hey Veronica I haven't spoken to you in a-"
"Sorry to cut you off but Cheryl is about to go in the ambulance she's have a really bad panic attack and she wasn't unconscious"
"I'm on my way thank you for telling me"
Penelope's PoV

I put on my jacket, then stormed into my car to riverdale general. I wonder what happened because she hasn't had a panic attack since the beginning of high school. "Hi I'm here for my daughter Cheryl Blossom" I told the receptionist. "Yes she just came through about 10 minutes ago just wait in the waiting room to your left with the others" "Thank you" As I walked into the waiting room everyone but Veronica and Betty was shouting at each other. I'm guessing that these are all her friends. "Just go home. Why the hell would she want you guys here" Antoinette yelled. "Exactly Archie we don't like that joe anyway and Toni just went all crazy on us" A boy with a beanie retorted. "I'm waiting for V, when she leaves I leave." A ginger boy said. "NO get the hell out all of y-" . Toni said getting up. "What is going on in here" I interrupted her.
"Family and friends of Miss Cheryl Blossom"
"That's me"
"She's just woken up. Please do not shout in her room as she has serious headache. In roughly an hour she can eat then take her medication the doctor prescribed to calm her down a bit.
"Thanks doc. Well you can either stay here till she's ready to see you guys or leave." The two boys then got up then looked towards the girls direction. "I'm staying here" they both said in unison then looked at each other questionably. Toni then rolled her eyes at the two. I squinted my eyes at her then she just shrugged it off.

I walked into my baby's room to see her resting facing the wall. I sat down on the big chair next to her then clasped her hands. I heard her groan as she turned her heard and touched her forehead. "Mum" she whispers. "Yes sweetie it's me, how you feeling?"
"I have a bad headache and my chest hurts, what happened?"
"Veronica said you had a panic attack then went unconscious. Speaking of Veronica she's waiting for you, as well as Betty and Antoinette"
" Just call her Toni mum. And can you bring them all in. I think I finally need to sort this all out.
Just a filler to get this part out the way. So I can get to the juicy part. The next chapter was gonna be posted today but I'm waiting for a bit more votes.💋

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