Vierzehn (14)

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The next morning, Sana woke up, she glanced on her left, but Chaeyoung wasn't there. She checked the bathroom, but it was empty. She then got out of the room to find Chaeyoung sleeping, laying his head on the side of his mother's casket. She shook Chaeyoung's body.

"Take a bath, Chaeng." Sana breathed.

She then went to prepare Chaeyoung's toiletries and clothes for him. He took them and entered the bathroom.

She then put the guest book and markers on the table, she put variety of snacks and fruits on the tables, that had been set up, for the visitors. A box was put on the table as well, for visitors to put condolences money in.

After Chaeyoung was done, she started showering. Chaeyoung headed to the casket again, still couldn't believe that his mother had left him. He just watched his mother in despair, not wanting to forget any detail about his mother, tears fell from his eyes.

After Sana was done, she tapped Chaeyoung's hands gently.

"Let's eat something, Chaeng." Sana softly said.

Chaeyoung nodded and they drove to the nearest restaurant.

They both decided to eat some porridge that morning. Both not having the appetite to eat, but forced themselves to eat them anyway, because they knew they needed it.

When they came back to their room in the funeral home, the door was taped with a note that said, 'Everything has been moved to the 6th floor'

Then they quickly ascended to the 6th floor. They were shocked to see that all the rooms were merged together and there were tons of wreath flowers outside of the room. Basically, the whole floor was booked for them.

Sana and Chaeyoung got inside and saw a young man, ordering tons of people to set more tables and chairs and put snacks and fruits. There are 2 huge screen projectors on both sides of the room, with pictures of Jihyo, that work like a slideshow.

The young man finally noticed Sana and Chaeyoung and approached them.

"Oh hello, Are you visitting, or?" The man asked.

"Who are you?" Sana asked him.

"Ah, let me introduce myself, My name is Son Seungwan. Jihyo was my girlfriend and you are?" The man replied.

Upon knowing that the man standing in front of her was Chaeyoung's father, who abandoned her friend and Chaeyoung. Sana slapped the man. Chaeyoung watched in shock.

"How dare you, show up after all these years?" Sana growled.

Chaeyoung had never seen Sana this angry.

"You have every right to be angry. I was young and foolish, but I've changed now." Son Seungwan breathed, while still holding his stinging cheek.

Then his gaze fell upon the boy, who was currently hiding behind the woman, who slapped him.

"Is that boy, my son?" He faintly asked.

Chaeyoung had always wondered, who his father was, what did he look like, was he thinking of them? He asked his mother one time, but she ended up crying her eyes out, so after that he never asked her again, but now that his father was standing in front of him, he didn't know whether he was ready to face his father, or not. He decided to check the bedroom inside. He checked one room and saw his suitcase. He just locked the door and laid on the bed, thinking deeply.

Sana was still glaring at the man.

"Listen carefully, I will take full custody of Chaeyoung, not you. Jihyo would want that. I've been taking care of Chaeyoung ever since he was little. I know more about him than you. You, just do him a favor, and stay away from his life." Sana fumed.

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