Fünfzehn (15)

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"This court is convened to address the custodial status of one, Son Chaeyoung, age 12. Mother, Park Jihyo, deceased. Father, Son Seungwan. Minatozaki Sana, you were the boy's neighbor, who accasionally babysat him." The judge addressed.

"Yes, I occasionally took care of Chaeyoung, when he was in kindergarten, until when he was in fourth grade, before moving out. I am more than capable of taking care of Chaeyoung. In fact, Jihyo entrusted him with me, just before she passed." Sana explained.

"I appreciate that, but per Korea law, without a written will, next of kin retains custody." The Judge declared.

While, Sana was fighting to get custody over Chaeyoung. Mrs. Park decided to leave the court room, and went to the waiting room, where Chaeyoung was waiting. Upon seeing who approached him, he tensed, he clutched the table for support.

Mrs. Park sat beside Chaeyoung.

"I know you really hate me, I understand why though. I hate myself too. If only I chased after her back then..." She apologized then started tearing up.

After calming down, she started to speak again.

"I apologize for everything, Chaeyoung. You deserve better. I will leave now, I know you don't want to be near me." She breathed.

She then rose and was about to leave, but Chaeyoung clutched her shirt. So, she sat back down.

'I haven't forgiven you yet, but I would like to apologize for my action the other day. It was wrong of me to push you' Chaeyoung apologized.

"Oh dear, I deserve to be more severely punished, more than just being pushed." Mrs. Park choked.

Soon, they heard the sound of people, shuffling out of the court room. Chaeyoung quickly looked for Sana. He then looked up at Sana with hopeful eyes. Sana dragged him to a bench there, so they sat next to each other.

"I'm sorry, Chaeng." She breathed.

Upon hearing this, Chaeyoung started crying. He held on to Sana tightly. Sana could only hug him back, she cried too, she felt like she had failed both Jihyo and Chaeyoung.

The young CEO gave them time, he sat at the end of the bench, just waiting for them to calm down.

Hours had passed, Sana had stopped crying by now, but Chaeyoung still cried on Sana's chest. Sana kept on rubbing his back.

"Mmmm, I think we will have to break you off, come on, Chaeyoung, let's go home" the young CEO finally broke the news.

Chaeyoung frantically shook his head.

"Just what is wrong with you? He doesn't want to live with you" Sana spat.

"He's my son and he will live with me." The young CEO persisted.

"Why can't you consider his feeling and stop being an asshole?" Sana asked angrily.

"I'm not going to repeat the same mistake, I will take responsibility over my son." He breathed.

He then ordered his men to drag Chaeyoung away.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Sana bellowed.

They didn't listen and Chaeyoung was quickly dragged away, other men held her back.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of him" he assured.

He and his men then left.

Sana sat back on the bench and cried.

Chaeyoung cried his eyes out in the car, he tried to open the door, but it was locked with child's lock. He tried opening the window, but it couldn't be opened. He was basically stuck and could only accept his fate.

"Goodbye Mommy, goodbye Sana noona, goodbye Mina" he silently bid his farewell.

A couple of days after Chaeyoung left Seoul to live with his father, Mina started to notice Chaeyoung's absence.

So she asked Ms. Bae about it. Ms. Bae furrowed her eyebrows.

"You don't know that Chaeyoung's mother has passed away? From what I know, he now lives with his father in Busan" Ms. Bae replied.

She cupped her mouth in shock. She ran out of the staffs' room and hopped on her car. She didn't care if it was rude or not. She needed to confirm it, whether it was true, or not. She quickly ordered her driver to drive her to Chaeyoung's house.

She hurriedly ascended the stairs and knocked on the door frantically.

"Chaengie, Chaengie" she called out, while knocking the door.

A middle-aged woman opened the door, Mina quickly slipped inside and looked for Chaeyoung everywhere in the house, but to no avail. She sat at the dining room and started tearing up.

"You're probably looking for the previous tenant, but they have moved out. I've just moved here a couple of days ago." The woman softly said.

The woman then disappeared into what used to be Chaeyoung's room, then came back, handing Mina Chaeyoung's sketchbook.

"I think it belongs to the previous tenant" she breathed.

Mina took it and opened the sketchbook,  inside was full of sketches of her. She cried even louder. She took Chaeyoung for granted, now she probably wouldn't be able to see him anymore.


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