Axl Imagine (requested)

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This may be crappy because I haven't written in a while, but this was requested by @dizzy-stradlin. I kinda crapped this out in 40 minutes. And I would like to apologize to anyone that has read this and hasn't felt accepted while reading my book, I'll go back and try to make the imagines and preferences suit for every gender. Warning⚠️❗️: if you get triggered by transgendered people or gay people please don't read this or attack anyone who is apart of the LGBTQ+ community because it is very hard to come out to people as anything, so please nicely leave my book and never read it again because I am, as stated previously, going to make this more gender-fluid (with the exceptions of the requested imagines).

You had been worried awhile now. Your boyfriend of 5 weeks, Axl Rose, didn't know you were transgendered. You knew about his religious upbringing and transphobic past and that's why you haven't told him yet.
You knew he was completely supportive of the LGBTQ+ community, but you also knew how hard it was for him to come to terms not only being gay, but dating another male. You just didn't know how he was going to react to you keeping this big of a secret.
It's not that you didn't want him to know, you just were scared that he would leave you. That he would lash out at you. And, even though it pained you, hit you.
You had a few boyfriends before and each and everyone you came out to has either called you transphobic slurs or had broken up with you (it was usually both) and it hurt. It hurt knowing that the one person you actually thought of having a future with would probably not want to be with you when he found out about your secret.
You were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn't realize Axl had come to your apartment after the studio.
"Hey Y/N (with this instance it's your new name and not your dead name), what's the matter?"
"Uhm, there's something I've a-actually be-been mean-ing to tell you," stuttered out, toying nervously with your fingers. Your anxiety building up with each syllable of your sentence.
"What's that hun?" he asked, worry creasing in between his brows.
"Uh, well, uhm. There's something I haven't told you about myself."
"What, that you got a secret child?" he said chuckling at his own comment.
"Uh... actually that's the problem." at the surprise that crossed his face you realized that he didn't get what you were saying." I don't have a secret love child. It's just that I can have kids."
"Well, yeah,everyone can have kids."
"No, uhm actually I can have kids because-," you sucked in a deep breath,"because I'm transgender, which means that I wasn't originally born a male." You closed your eyes, waiting for the blow that you thought was going to land onto your cheek.
When nothing happened, you slightly opened your eyes to see Axl looking at you surprisingly.
"Do-do you have anything to say. Ask? Or anything?" or asked scared. Fear building up as you took his silence as rejection.
"Does this mean you used to have a vaginia?" he blurted out.
You let out a snort,"Yes Axl, I used to have a vaginia."
"Wow. So you were born a girl?"
"Yeah, yeah I was."
"That's pretty fucking cool."
"Yeah, but you aren't mad?"
"Mad? Why would I be? You're still you. You're still Y/N," he stated confidently,"Just because you were born a female doesn't mean that I would stop loving you."
He looked deeply into your eyes while he told you that he would love you no matter what. Your belt literally melted and you brought Axl in for a sweet kiss.
"So you're okay with everything?" you asked against his lips.
"Of course I do," he replied, bringing you into a more passionate kiss.
Your lips molded perfectly together.
Axl abruptly broke your kiss,"One more question," you hummed in response," what's it like peeing with a vaginia?"
You burst out laughing at the weirdness of the question.
"It's definitely different that peeing with a dick, you have to actually wash your hands," you said teasingly poking at his chest, knowing full well wasn't one to wash his hands after pissing.
"Oh, piss off!"

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