Silent Treatment

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"Oh no, no, no, no... Please don't do this to me. Echo's gonna kill me!" Chris begged the shiny black, sixty-seven impala that her best friend let her borrow.

That car meant the world to Echo. It's the only thing her brother Dean left her before he passed away. They worked on that car night and day for five years so Chris knew, she would be screwed if anything happens to that car.

"Fucking shit!" Chris yelled hitting the steering wheel.

"Oooooooo. Mommy said a bad word!" Came a little voice behind her.

"Jade. Not right now baby girl. Mama's sorry but, I think I broke Aunty Echo's car..." Chris groaned, laying her forehead against the wheel.

"Fucking shit!" Jade said.

"JADE!" Chris yelled trying not to laugh.

"Sorry Mommy." Jade replied.

Taking out her phone Chris called the nearest auto body shop. "Thank you for calling Teller Morrow. How can I help you?"

"Hi. My name's Christina. My car broke down on me and my daughter and I are stuck. We are about two miles from the Charming Welcome sign." Chris explained.

"No problem sweetheart. I'll send some one out there give them about twenty minutes okay? Name's Gemma when you get in come to office to fill out paper work and I'll help you from there." She explained.

"Ok. Thank you Gemma." Chris said half way relieved as she hung up the phone. "Now for hard part..."

"Mommy? Are we going to die out here?"Jade asked.

"No Jade. Why would you say that?!"

"Cause we have no food and I'm hungry." Jade expressed dramatically after having just ate an hour ago.

Christina shook her head at her daughters antics. She began to dial the all familliar number of her best friend and prayed she wasn't going to be totally pissed. "You have reached Echo. Either I don't want to talk to you or I'm busy which ever you decide or prefer that's up to you. Leave a message after the beep." Her voice floated through the phone.

"Hey Echo... So I got good news and bad news. Good news is I moved all my shit out Mikes house. Bad news, I think I messed your car up... BUT, I'm taking it to a place called Teller Morrow in Charming. I'm so sorry." Chris hung up and groaned.

"Jade cover your ears." Chris asked calmly.

"Okay Mommy." Jade said putting her little hands up to her ears.


"I still heard that Mommy." Jade said pulling her hands away.

"I know Jade. I know." Chris said rubbing her temples.

Just then a knock came on the window. With a screech Chris jumped and put her hands over her heart. She rolled the window down. "Holy christ. You gave me a fuckin heart attack." Chris panted.

"Sorry darlin'. Didn't mean to scare you. I'm Jax. You and the little miss can go sit in truck while I hook this beauty up."

"Thanks Jax. I'm Chris and this is Jade. Please be careful... I'm already screwed as it is." Chris sighed.

Not liking that statement, Jax just looked at her. "Is everything okay? I noticed you got a bunch of boxes in the back." He asked carefully.

"Oh no. It's nothing like that. I'm moving out of my boyfriend, well ex boyfriend's house and borrowing my friends car. This car is her life. I promised I wouldn't mess it up but look at me now. Kind of breaking my promises now and yes before you say anything I called her and let her know because I know you guys can't do the paperwork or do work on it until she's there." Chris explained.

Shaking his head and laughing, Jax smiled. "Alright darling go have a seat. I'll get you hooked up and we'll be on are way."

The drive to TM was quick and silent, but it was a comfortable silence. Every now and again you would hear a question asked from Jade, which were answered but Jax noticed tha stark contrast in their personalities.

With Chris, she was kind of standoffish and shy at first. Jade was complete opposite her mother. She could strike up a conversation with a total stranger. Something both, Chris and Echo try to teach her that sometimes, it's not a good thing. But Chris had a good feeling about Jax, he gave that older brother type vibe.

When they arrived they got out of the tow truck and Jax pointed Chris to the office. Before she got there Chris saw Echo standing with an older lady giving Chris the death glare. "Hello Christina."

Yup, right then and there Chris knew Echo was pissed... In the twenty plus years they've been best friends, Echo has only ever called Chris, Christina when she is pissed.

"Hey Echo. How'd you get here so fast?" Chris asked confused.

"Well you see me being the good friend that I am, decided to take a Uber to my job interview for a mechanic position. As I'm sitting here being interviewed with hopefully my future boss. They get a phone call. I don't think much of it but then the tow truck driver calls back saying he has a sixty seven, shiny black impala coming in. How many sixty seven shiny black impalas do you see around here Chris?" Echo asked. "Where's Jade? Wasn't she with you?" Echo asked.

Chris went into panic Mommy mode, only to hear her daughter giggling just down the lot. She stood in front of a row of bikes talking to one particular biker who is covered in tattoos. Bald, tall, dark and handsome. A toothpick hanging out of his mouth just staring at this little girl as she talked to him a mile a minute, nodding his head every few seconds.

Chris was in a state of shock. The man was gorgeous... Not realizing she was staring at him with her mouth open, Echo shook her head at her friend. She took her left hand, put it under Chris's jaw and pushed it closed gently. "There you go hon. You're drooling all over yourself. Go say Hi. He looks like he'd be a fun ride." Echo said wiggling her eyebrows making Chris laugh.

"So does this means you forgive me?" Chris asked.

Echo thought about it for a minute. "If you go over there and you give that man your phone number. I'll forgive you. I'm waiting." Echo said looking at her watch. "Tick Tock."

Chris being one not to back down from a challenge. She began to muster up all the courage she could before walking up to her daughter and this mystery man. "Jade. I hope you're not bugging this man." Chris said to the mini version of herself. She turned toward the tattooed man and did he best not to blush on spot by the intensity of his gaze. "Hi I'm Chris." She introduced, holding out her hand for him to shake.

The man didn't respond he simply continued to look at her. Chris could feel the blush creeping in as the embarrassment flooded over her. She tucked her hair behind her ears and just walked away with Jade.

Happy felt like the world's biggest asshole. He couldn't even speak, her beauty had left him speechless. He's never been speechless. He can get any female he wanted, but something about this tiny woman had him speechless. He wanted to say Hi. Wanted to introduced himself... But he just didn't know how... Happy never had to ask a woman for any attention they just threw it at him. But something about her was different.

"What was that brother?" Chibs asked walking up behind Happy. "The lass clearly likes you and I don't see nothing wrong with her." Chibs shrugged suggestively at him.

Happy just grunted and walked away. Walking into the office to clock in, Happy sees Gemma staring at him. "What?" Hap asked, shrugging.

"Oh nothing killa. Nothing at all." Gemma said giving him a knowing look. "I just hope you get used to seeing that little blonde around. Because I just hired her friend as a full-time mechanic."

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