Silent Treatment Pt.2

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"Well, that was kind of rude." Echo huffed to Chris as they walked back toward the office.

"It's okay Echo... I'm probably just not his type..." Chris said sadly.

"Not his type? Is he blind?" Echo asked confused and kind of pissed off.

Still in embarrassed Chris kept her head down and didn't say a word. "Mommy? Are you okay?" Jade asked upset.

"Yeah baby. Mama's just tired from the move." Chris told her little girl.

"Well then let me make this quick. Congratulations Echo. I am going to hire you as a full-time mechanic. You can start tomorrow, let me just introduce you to a few of the guys, then you just come back tomorrow and finish your paperwork. Chibs said it was a few loose wires on the battery your car, but it's fine and is waiting for you when we are done." Gemma said as she came from the garage back into the office.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Morrow." Echo said excitedly.

"Just call me Gemma sweetheart." The older woman told her smiling.

"I'm Gemma." Gemma introduced herself, turning to Chris. "If you want, you can take little miss over to playground."

"I'm Christina, but you can call me Chris. And, this is Jade." Chris told her.

"Well hello Jade, I'm Gemma."

"Hello Miss Gemma." Jade said using her manners with a friendly smile.

"Let's go play Jade. Auntie will be back in a minute." Chris said taking her daughter's hand.

"Can we get pizza Mama?" She asked.

"Ask auntie when she's done okay?"

"Okay Mommy!" Jade squealed excitedly.

Walking into the clubhouse with Echo right behind her, Gemma set out to introduce the newest TM Mechanic. "Hey baby." Gemma said to Clay as she walked up to him. "I finally hired someone. Clay this is Echo, Echo this is Clay." Gemma introduced the two.

"Nice to meet you sweetheart." Clay said shaking the young girl's hand. "Wait. You're a mechanic?" Clay asked surprised.

"Yeah." Echo laughed a little. "Before my brother passed away, he taught me how to work on all kinds of cars. Even taught me bike repair. That sixty-seven Chevy out there, we built that together."

"Sorry to hear about your brother. Welcome to Teller – Morrow." Clay smiled. "Now, bike repair you say? Tell me, how do work on a man's bike?" Clay asked.

"You don't. If he can ride, he better know how to fix his own bike." Echo answered.

"I like you kid." Clay pointed at Echo with a playful grin.

"I'm going to have her shadow Happy tomorrow in the garage, if you don't need him?" Gemma asked.

"Hap! Come here." Clay called.

Echo watched as the man that gave her best friend the silent treatment strode toward them. She cocked her eyebrow at him as he approached. "Yeah Prez?" He asked with a nod.

"This is Echo. She's our new hire in the garage. She going to be your shadow for a few weeks." Clay told him.

"Got it boss." Happy nodded.

He looked at Echo who had her dark eyes narrowed at him. He wanted to slap the cocky bitch but he knew he deserved it for how he treated her friend. Happy didn't work well with others but he figured this may just work in his favor. If he could get close enough to Echo, he might be able to work his way to her golden-haired friend.

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