Chapter three: A night to remember

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"Finally they're gone" Katakuri grumbled as his brothers finally left the house. Sadly it was already late in the evening and Katakuri couldn't spend time with Kazumi like he had planned. He tiredly made his way to his shared bedroom and opened tolhe door to find his wife in bed with the bedside light on, so he could read the book he was holding.

Kazumi looked up from his book and smiled at the sight of Katakuri. He closed his book and opened his arms wife. Without a second thought, Katakuri took off his scarf and snuggled into Kazumi's chest.

"Are you okay, honey?" Kazumi asked as he petted Katakuri's crimson hair. In response Katakuri just groaned, causing Kazumi to giggle.

"I just wasted the time I could've spent with you, because of my irritating siblings" He said his voice muffled by Kazumi's chest.

"Well the day is not over yet and I still have a stack of donuts" Kazumi said and almost laughed really loudly when he felt Katakuri practically drool on his shirt.

"Why don't you stay here and take a breather while I go to the kitchen and get you those donuts" Kazumi suggested. Katakuri nodded his head really fast making his hair tickle Kazumi and causing Kazumi to giggle.

"I got it! I got it! You do have to lift yourself off of me otherwise I can't leave" Kazumi said. Katakuri however didn't like the sound of that, so instead of lifting himself off of Kazumi he leaned on him even more causing Kazumi to groan.

"Oof, Katakuri. I thought you wanted donuts" Kazumi said out of breath.

"Yeah, but I don't want you to leave" Katakuri mumbled. Kazumi smiled softly and continued to pet Katakuri's head.

"Do you want to do anything or do you just wanna sleep?" Kazumi asked. Dirty thoughts instantly filled Katakuri's mind as he thought back to the conversation he had with his brothers.


"You didn't come to visit me for nothing, did you?" Katakuri asked as he sat on his couch as his brothers sat opposite of him. Daifuku was still smirking, due to the fact that he wasn't thinking about what Katakuri had asked instead he was thinking about a certain someone moaning and screaming beneath him. While Oven answered.

"Mama is not pleased, she was hoping for grandchildren by now and is planning to marry more of us off to get more grandchildren. If Kazumi doesn't deliver children within a year, god knows what's going to happen to him" Oven said and despite knowing he doesn't stand a chance with him, he was still madly in love with him and was very concerned about what would happen if Kazumi didn't deliver any children. Katakuri had been wanting to have children, but he was afraid that they would look like him or he would hurt Kazumi in the act, but now he would have no choice.

"So~ Mama told us to give you these~" Daifuku said and handed Katakuri a small bag, while having a preverted grin on his face. Katakuri took the bag with a suspicious look on his face.

"I suggest you get him pregnant soon or you might have a huge problem. Also I hope you get a mood going otherwise it might not work" Daifuku said and with that the two younger brothers stood up and left. Katakuri sighed deeply and opened the bag, the first thing he felt was both mad and really really tight pants.

Inside the bag was a pair of panties and photographs. There were also a few notes. Mostly from Daifuku and a few from his other siblings.

The reason he was mad was because of the photographs and they were the same reason his pants were really tight. The photographs pictured Kazumi wearing the panties and having a really erotic look on his face and from a few other things in the picture signaled that Kazumi had been doing multiple activities.

He was mad because either Kazumi was cheating on him, which he highly doubted, or somebody had been watching Kazumi and making these things. 'Whichever it is, I'll kill whoever looked or touched him, he is mine' Katakuri thought and stood up, leaving the bag behind and walking to his and Kazumi's room.

Flashback over~~

"I want to have kids with you" Katakuri bluntly said and Kazumi froze. Katakuri looked up and saw that Kazumi was blushing a lot.

"R-really?" Kazumi asked wanting to make sure, Katakuri only nodded and leaned upwards planting his lips on Kazumi's. Kazumi softly kissed back and smiled in the kiss. Katakuri broke the kiss and sat up, positioning himself in an criss cross applesauce and picked Kazumi up and placed him in his lap.

"Do you want kids?" Katakuri asked a little hesitant. Kazumi nodded excitedly.

"Yes! I've always wanted to have kids!" He said with a bright smile. Katakuri smiled a little and hugged him closely. Katakuri then realized something critical.

"U-um... Kazumi, h-how do we...?" Katakuri asked with a blush coating his cheeks. Kazumi gulped and climbed out of Katakuri's lap and then out of the bed. He seemed to take a deep breath, before pulling his shirt over his head and lowering his pants revealing the pair of adorable panties he was wearing.

 He seemed to take a deep breath, before pulling his shirt over his head and lowering his pants revealing the pair of adorable panties he was wearing

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"I-i...I'm not sure... B-but P-p-pudding and Cracker t-told me about... Stuff" Kazumi said his blush increasing as he spoke. Katakuri frowned a bit at the mention of his siblings, but soon lost that thought as Kazumi climbed back in his lap and wrapped his arms around his neck.

"What are you doing?!" Katakuri asked a bit shocked. He had a good reason for it, reasons actually. First of all, he had never done anything sexual with anybody even though a lot of people urged him to and people would throw themselves at him. Second of all, he had never been this close to his wife, despite them having been married for quite awhile. Third of all he knew that Kazumi absolutely beautiful was, but he found him absolutely gorgeous right now.

"Well Pudding and Cracker said that you might like this... A-and they told me to do a couple of... T-things?" Kazumi said as he leaned forward and softly pressed his lips against Katakuri's. Katakuri closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Kazumi's small waist. Kazumi took the lead in kissing first, but once Katakuri got the hang of it he took over and the kiss turned into a passionate fight of tongue's. Kazumi pulled away to breathe a little, but Katakuri pulled him right back in.

Katakuri then realized that he didn't have to put his hands on just Kazumi's waist and instead placed them on Kazumi's chest and pinched Kazumi nipples, causing Kazumi to gasp loudly. Katakuri quickly stopped fearing he hurt Kazumi, but when he pulled back from the kiss to ask if Kazumi was okay he felt his pants get more tighter then when he saw the pictures.

Kazumi was panting loudly, a blush covering his face and drool was sliding down his chin. Katakuri gulped, as Kazumi grabbed his hands and held them.

"M-more~... Please~" Katakuri completely lost control. Let's just say the rest of the night, the mansion was filled with the sounds of moaning, groaning, occasionally a scream and lots of skin slapping against skin. Kazumi was very lucky that his race prevents him from being hurt. Yes, Katakuri was aware that Kazumi's race is strong and not easily hurt, but still he worried.

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