Chapter 11: Welcome to Combat Training.

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[Note: I do not own Pokémon. All rights to it's actual owners]

Chapter 11: Welcome to Combat Training.


"Interesting groups..." I said as I was walking to Mr. Emboar's office after I watched the argument between those teams.

I really have a bad feeling that that Team Royals is gonna do something sooner or later. It's not best to assume but maybe I should keep an eye on them just in case. I'll have to think about that later on.

I was forced out of my thoughts when I had bumped into the Pokémon I was looking for.

"Ah, good morning Tony. Just the Pokemon I was looking for." Emboar said upbeat as usual.

"Oh, sorry Mr. Emboar. Didn't see you there. What's my assignment for today?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"Oh it's quite alright. Today you'll be helping Mr. Sar in Combat Training." He told me before I perked up a little.

"Combat Training you say?" I said with a smirk.

(10 minutes later)(Flara)

*groan* Oh this is just swell...

[The Combat Training classroom is kind of like a huge dojo room with the entrance being two doors, training mats for fighting made up the floor, and students sat around the room on the floor.]

I just got to Combat Training and it's already not looking good. I'm the only one in my group of friends here so I don't know most of these people and the worst of it is that Cassidy and Oliver are in my class. Luckily, Cassidy sat on the other side. Unluckily...

"Come on Flare baby. Whenz iz youze gonna get with Olliver?" Oliver asked as he sat right next to me.

"For the last time, never in my life Oliver. Stop asking." I said again annoyed. "You need me to get Tepper to beat you up again?"

"That fight waz a fluke. Come on babe. Stop lying to ya self. Youze can't resist me." Oliver said.

"Ugh, you're just as bad as Drew with Snive." I stated while facepalming, irritated. "When is this class starting so I can get away from you."

"HELLOOOOO CLAAAAAAASS!!!" Yelled an over the top, gruff voice from the ceiling. Startling everyone. A male Sawk then jump down through the ceiling and struck a fighting pose. "MY NAME IS MR. SAR AND I'LL BE TEACHING YOU ABOUT *strikes another pose* CLOSE QUARTERS COMBAT!!!"

There was an awkward silence as I assume everyone sweat dropped.

I sure as hell did.

At the silence, Mr. Sar straightened himself out and started scratching on the back of his head with an embarrassed smirk on his face.

"Heh, sorry bout that. I get a little too excited sometimes." He told us before fake coughing and regaining his composure. "Good morning class. My name is Mr. Sar and I'll be teaching important moves and defense in close quarters combat. Now I know some Pokémon prefer using long range attacks a lot more but having at least one close quarters move in case your enemy gets too close for comfort. Now who here would classify themselves as a long range battler or would like to become one?"

A few Pokémon raises there hand, including me.

I really wanna master long range battling like my mother.

"Hmm, that's good. Long range attackers are an essential part in any exploration team. However, even long range attackers should have at least one close range attack. Mystery dungeons tend to be mostly random mazes containing narrow halls so you never know when a dungeon Pokemon may sneak up on you out of nowhere. That close quarters move can mean the difference between life and death in those dungeons." He stated before clapping his hands once and turning around to the other side of the class. "Now! Who here can say that they're an up close fighter."

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