Chapter 3 - Jane's Escape

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Earth was a wasteland as humans strive to survive or die. It was a hundred years since the great war which killed an untold number of people on Earth and left the few stragglers behind.

However, most humans now live in communes where they congregate and use what little resources that they have. A majority still live underground in large facilities and others have managed to scrounge by as slaves to the powerful vampire lords.

The other humans live in the 'Forges', facilities built by the great being Phyris. Many still question why Phyris had allowed the vampires to enslave humans but she did not give an answer. Many presumed that she was a protector for humanity, but they left disappointed when they found out she would not destroy the evils.

I was one of the unlucky ones, Jane wistfully thought.

Jane, like many humans, was enslaved to the vampire hegemony. She was used as a blood bag, cook, miner, and a servant to help the vampires keep up with their lifestyle of luxury and insanity.

However today, Jane was selected to become a sacrifice to the 'Blood Gods' whom the vampires worshiped.

She was woken up before sunset, tied up, and thrown into a holding cell where some vampires took several bites of her, giving her a moment of euphoria.

Her treatment was abysmal, but the vampires always followed the same procedures, enabling the blood of their victims to be drained before a soul ceremony.

She was brought out from her cell and put into a throne room, where the vampire lords stood in rows, with the oldest vampire on the throne. She was placed in the middle of a ritual circle which had grooves for blood to flow.

"Let it commence," the old one said out loud.

A vampire came forwards and slit her wrists to drain the last into the circle.

"I guess this is it" she muttered before passing out.

Jane had a dream. One where she was in grassy fields and opposite of her was a man who wore a dark red robe.

Do you want power to be free? A disembodied voice said to Jane, Come to me and be my servant.

"Why?" Jane said.

The man only stayed still and silently looked at her.

"Why did you do this to me?" she said again in a delirious state.

Jane seemed unresponsive and in her own world, questioning why her insane slavers would kill her.

The man only sighed and walked towards her in a rushed state. He bared some fangs and prepared to devour her.

However, before he could do so, a woman appeared out of nowhere in the dream world.

"Who are you?" the man said aloud.

Jane looked up and saw a woman who was dressed in a black robe.

The woman stood in front of Jane and only smiled, looking at the man curiously.

"This is our first meeting," the woman said, "I only speculated that you existed since the vampires obtained power that no mortal could have in this realm."

The vampire looked even more closely at the woman and smiled, "Ah, are you a local deity in the second realm? How rare."

Jane was completely confused as she only thought that this was a dream.

In fact, this woman was Phyris. Although she was in some ways mortal since she doesn't have magic or power, her spirit has been growing since she revealed herself to humanity. She was gaining 'Holy Power', she felt, which her spirit became more powerful over time. This game her power as a false deity which enabled her to enter dreams and some semblance of control of mortals.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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