Kisaragi Academy Senior Highschool

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The school looked okay on the outside but you wondered what it was like inside of it. You thought of bad outcomes and good outcomes of entering but mostly bad ones.What if they teachers were abusive and bullies were everywhere!! That would mostly be horrible!You shook you head and walked up the stair case that lead to the front door.You quickly pushed it open and felt the door swing back at you and hit you in the face.

"O-Ow!" You fell onto your butt and covered your face.You whimpered and whined in pain.

"O-Oh! I'm so sorry!" a voice panicked then helped you up.The figure then removed your hands that were covering your face."I appear to have done badly damage...your nose has a long scratch on it."He examined your face and while he was doing so you examined him.

He wore glasses over his green eyes and his hair color was dark blue and short.He was average built and he looked somewhat above average height.He finished examining for any other wounds besides that scratch and stared into your eyes. When that happened a blush glowed on his face and the same happened to you.You both grew nervous and then he cleared his throat and spoke.

"Allow me to escort you to the nurses office before we head to first period." He said and walked inside the school having you follow him.When you two entered a girl who wore a similar school outfit came to the boy and hugged him.

"Shige-nii!"she sounded excited then noticed you and grew a bit angry.You could tell by the glare she made with her eyes.You didn't want to start trouble."Whos that Shige-nii..?" She asked and looked at him.He responded calmly.

"This is our new student..and well..I kinda hit her with the front door so I'm taking her to the nurse." when he finished explaining the girl then smiled and looked at you.

"Well then! I'm Suzumoto Mayu!Shige-nii's closest friend!" she introduced herself and held her hand out.You took her hand a shook it slowly.

"I-I'm (L/N) (F/N).." She then let go of you hand and looked at the boy who hasn't introduced himself yet.He gave a small sigh and bowed before explaining himself.

"I'm Morishige Sakutaro and welcome to Kisaragi Academy..." you nodded then winced when you kept moving your head around so much.Your scratch began to bleed and Morishige touched your face making the girl Mayu puff her cheeks.Morishige looked back at Mayu and sighed. "Lets just hurry and get you to the nurse..." He began to walk off having you follow close behind.Mayu decided not to follow because she seemed to be very upset with Morishige.

Things didn't look so good for him right now nor for you.You two then made your way to the nurses office.Morishige then slid the door open and found that there was no nurse.He groaned and took out his phone."Where is that Nurse...?"He questioned and began to text.He walked in and so did you. You sat on the bed feeling a bit nervous since only the two of you were in the room.He was occupied and seemed to not really be paying attention to his surroundings.

You waited patiently and he finally put his phone away.The nurse still was no show.He searched the cabinets and found alcohol and cotton balls.You covered your face more knowing what the alcohol would do to your more like cut.You heard his footsteps come closer and his hands forcefully pulled your hands away from your face."Dont worry we'll just do this and you'll be done." he sounded so sweet and poured some of the alcohol on a cotton ball.You braced for impact as the cotton ball finally made contact to your cut.

"E-Ek!"you yelped which caused Morishige to jump a bit.It was very unexpected.When you noticed his reaction it made you start to laugh.

"That w-wasn't very funny (F/N)" he said sounding serious but you couldn't tell cause he was sorta laughing.He continued to press the alcohol ball on your nose which than started not to hurt anymore.when he finished everything he placed a band-aid over your cut."There...How do you feel?"He asked while riding of all the supplies he had to use to assist you.

"I feel better! Thanks Morishige.."Your voice sounded pleasant and he admired itYou two stared at each other for awhile with red faces. Both of your guys blushes were visual and he then started to lean in.You knew that he was aiming for a kiss and you would allow him to since he seemed like a really great guy.Before your lips could even touch the bell rang,signing that first period was over. He quickly pulled himself away while looking down.

"Sorry...lets go.." He said and took your hand so then you can stand up easily.He let go of your hand and headed for the door.It slid open and a boy with blonde hair showed up.

"Moriiishiiige!!"the male raised his voice and Morishige looked startled."Your showing the new kid around without me?!! And your not with Mayu! What the actual Hell man!" He asked so many question and Morishige began to yell at him also.A big yell bad then happened.

"Calm down both of you!" A voice shouted and the two turned to see a girl with dark hair that's similar to Morishige.

"Sh-Shinozaki...!" The blonde boy looked startled by her presents just like how Morishige was when he saw him.

"Kishinuma....! Your not making a very good impression in front of the new kid if you keep behaving like this!" she pointed out then turned to look at you."I head your name was (L/N) (F/N), my name is Shinozaki Ayumi." she introduced herself to you and shook your hand slowly.You nodded at her to tell her that she got your name right.

"Nice to meet you Shinozaki..."you said a bit shyly.She glared once more at the boys then walked off with you.

"The boy with the light blonde hair was Kishinuma Yoshiki and he's a bit of a stubborn person at times and mostly annoying in my point of view but I think that you will make lots of friends here." she told you and smiled kindly at you.Shinozaki told you so much and introduced you to one of her greatest friends.Along with a very nice teacher named Ms.Yui.She looked like the closest friend to Ayumi.

"Crazy day..."you thought to yourself while you sat with your group of friends who were friends with Ayumi and Morishige.You broke out of being lost in space when Shinohara Seiko snapped here fingers in front of your face!

"Oi! (f/N)! We're all gonna hang out after school for scary awesome stuff!you in?!" She said. You took time to think about it and thought of what would happen if you didn't get home early.But then again...Your parents aren't so strict and are usually very gullible.

"Alright!" you agreed and sounded very excited with the idea.Everyone was glad you made your decision!You wondered what was going to happen!Everything sounded so exciting!You were so wrong...

Text:Morishige x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now