talex ?

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it had been a few days filled with tough trainings, sweat, a few laughs and of course some ice baths. but now it was time for a day off. tobin slept in as much as she could. but when she woke up she went to breakfast. apparently either everyone was still asleep or off doing things so she grabbed a quick breakfast and decided to go catch a surf to clear her head. she looked up on her phone places to rent surf boards and wetsuits.  nice she thought only a 15 minute walk. she was gonna text kelley to see if she wanted to come but she really just needed a morning away by herself. so she headed down to the water. "tobin?" she heard her name being called from the front of the surf shop. "thanks" she said with a smile reciving a black wet suit and a cool yellow board. i'm definitely gonna have to get some pictures of this board! she thought to herself. she changed quickly and wasted no time paddling into the deep blue sea. sure enough the waves helped clear her head. you can't focus on much else beside staying on the board when it comes to surfing. she focused on riding the longest and the way the salt water felt cool on her skin and what her mom would say or actually what lauren and amy would say if they found out tobin had neglected the use of sunscreen. a bright and wide smile crept its way onto her face. she let out a laugh and went back to surfing. she forgot about time and when she saw the sun began to go down just slightly she knew she needed to get back. she waddled out, dried off and changed. she returned her surf gear and was on her way back to the hotel when her stomach let out a loud growl. she dipped into the first place she could find. she thanked the cashier for her smoothie and muffin and finished the walk back to the hotel. she didn't bother to look at her phone until she felt a buzz. she pulled it out and saw all the notifications. 6 missed calls from cheney 2 missed calls from press 3 missed calls and 6 texts from kelley and 10 missed calls and texts from amy rodriguez. she just picked up her pace to the hotel not bothering to call one of them back. she went through the double doors and saw worried looks on all of her teammates faces especially her fellow new kids. "tobin? where and the hell were you?" lauren asked furious. tobin just pointed to her dripping wet hair. "this is why you have a phone heath!" arod yelled. tobin just shrugged and she watched as anger took over the two girls. she could recognize this anywhere. mostly it happens on the pitch and rarely happened when it involved tobin. the two older girls placed their hands on their hips, lips pursed and their kind eyes turned to glass. tobin walked up to them. "i'm sorry i'm sorry it's just i lost track of time! the waves were incredible!" tobin pleaded. the girls just shook their heads. they already knew tobin would do something like this. tobins tobin. "we're gonna all grab dinner and bring it back and eat in abbys room you wanna come or do you want us to grab you something?" lauren asked her. "can you grab me something? i don't care what" tobin asked. lauren nodded and they all went on their way. tobin walked up to her room to shower. "hey tobin! we were looking for you" tobin heard christen. "oh hey press yeah i already talked to them thanks" tobin smiled. christen walked up and touched tobins wet hair nodding cause she already knew what tobin had been up to. "see ya soon pressy" tobin said before turning to the elevator. it opened and tobin walked through and saw alex. "they were looking for you. did you find them?" she asked sternly. "yeah. you weren't looking for me?" tobin tried. alex turned her head and the ride was quiet again. before tobin turned to leave she faced alex. "we're talking. tonight." tobin said forcefully and left. she took a long shower and changed into a pair of grey nike sweats and a black short sleeve with the thorns logo. she waited for a text from the girls to see when they were here. in the meantime she gathered her snacks and headed to abbys. the girls still weren't back so tobin sat outside her room and munched on her snacks. she didn't even notice alex until she looked up from her oreo bag. alex couldn't help but laugh and slumped next to tobin. they sat in silence and to break the awkwardness tobin slowly pushed the package of oreos towards alex. alex looked over and laughed. "i miss you" she breathed out. "i miss you too" tobin said sadly. "what are you guys doing?" abby bellowed. she unlocked the door and everyone walked in. alex stood up first and held out her hand to help tobin. "talk later?" she asked. tobin nodded and smiled. tobin sat next to lauren and she handed her a bowl from chipotle. "thanks chen" tobin smiled. they sat around talking laughing and eating. they played uno and hung out. once it started to get late tobin felt the consequences of surfing all day. she was incredibly tired. she walked over to the door after saying bye. she was about to get in the elevator when she heard her name. "tobin!" the familiar raspy voice called out. tobin held the elevator door and alex entered. they entered tobins room. they both sat down next to each other. it was quiet when alex just slung her arms around tobin and buried her face in tobins neck. she breathed. " i don't wanna talk i just want my best friend. i'm sorry i was a jerk." alex said. tobin reciprocated the hug. the two pulled away. "it's not gonna go back to how it was will it?" tobin asked in a small voice. "i want it to." alex said. "then let's let it. but first did i miss anything when i was away?" tobin asked seriously. "no" yes yes tobin you did. i fell off the wagon my career almost slipped. "nope just missed you is all" alex responded with a fake smile. tobin smiled back. great now we're started on lies alex thought.

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