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the two woke up later and ordered in food. allie had "stick it" playing on the tv so they decided to do a night in. alex left later and allie and tobin were the only two left. "hey harry" allie said. "hi harry" tobin laughed. "are you okay? you just seem a little different or off?" allie asked her bestfriend. "yeah yeah i'm good i swear. it's just" tobin looked around slightly nervous. "alex has been acting different. it's like when someone brings up the time i was in paris she changes the subject and never wants to speak about it. it's weird." tobin admitted. allie grew nervous. "maybe she just doesn't wanna be reminded because she missed you a lot and wants you to go back to how you guys were?"'allie tried. tobin nodded and the two went to their respective rooms. the next few days were typical. woke up, gym, food, surf, food, soccer tennis, food, movie and sleep. tobin didn't mind necessarily but she needed something to spice it up a little bit. thankfully someone just so happened to be free in the upcoming week.
tobin sat her bed watching a football game when she got a call. alex and allie has went to the grocery store so it was just her. "hey pressy!" tobin exclaimed happily. "hi toby!" christen was also happy.
t- how are you? what's going?!
c- haha i'm doing good. it's been nice getting the chance to rest you know. how are you? how's portland?
t- it's good. some cool people out here and the shops are cool.
c- that's good. you know i've never really gotten to visit portland much
t- yeah you should it's a cool city.
c- yeah i bet it is i'll have to come check it out
t- well pressy we just so happen to have some time of right now....
c- hmm i guess your right.
t- christen! will you come out and visit me???
c- yes toby of course i'll book my flight right now hahah is there a certain time that would be good?
t- uh yeah as soon as possible!
c- haha ok toby i'll book my flight and let you know.
t- bye pressy
"yes!" tobin jumped up off the bed. she was gonna be bored no longer!!! she heard a knock at her door and opened it. "hey there champ what's got you so excited?" alex asked her bestie. "well if you must know..." tobin said walking into the living room with alex following behind her so she could talk to allie at the same time. "christen is coming!!" tobin jumped up and down excitedly. allie laughed and grabbed tobin by the arms to calm her down. "that's great tob." allie smiled. allie and alex made eye contact and allie smiled sympathetically at alex. "i uh i remembered i forgot to get something at the store. i'll uh see you guys later" alex said walking quickly out of the apartment and waving bye. tobin knew alex was not a fan of christens. her and alex just never blended well together. she just shrugged it off she was excited.
finnaly after a few days christens flight got in and tobin met her at the airport. tobin jumped on christen and christen laughed and held the middy back just as tight. "toby i can't breathe"
she laughed. tobin backedof sheepishly and
grabbed christens suit case for her. "how was the flight?" she asked once they got into the car. "good good. not to long. i'm just glad i'm here to see my favorite toby" she smiled. "are you hungry?" tobin asked. "yeah. and i already know your hungry so let's just go grab something." christen laughed already knowing tobin would oblige. they went to a local cafe that had great sandwiches and coffee of course. they ate and caught up. then they went back to tobins place. after setting christens things down in tobins room they went to go say hi to allie. "hey allie" christen said hugging the older girl. "hi chris how are you?" allie asked. "i'm good! i'm really happy to see you guys!" christen said smiling and tobin returned the smile. the three girls sat around catching up for awhile before allie got a text from alex. she read it aloud. hey. i'm guessing press is there? do you guys all want to go grab some dinner and go watch a movie at the theater? tell tobs they're playing transformers.... tobin jumped right up. "let's go people!! transformers wait for no one!" she exclaimed. the girls laughed wildly before heading off to go change. christen quickly unpacked some of her toiletries and freshened up. from the bathroom tobin heard christen. "hey toby. should i sleep on the couch tonight or?" "your crazy. you'll sleep with me!" tobin yelled. thr three took a little over an hour and a half to get ready. well actually tobin took like 20 min but the rest well they needed more time. allie wore black leggings with a flannel and converse and christen wore jeans, burke's and a white shirt. tobin wore black sweats and a white long sleeve a beanie and her air force ones. after they all were ready they all loaded up into the car to meet alex. they picked her up from her apartment. tobin and christen sat in the back allie drove. "hey!" alex exclaimed getting into the car. "hey alex" christen smiled politely. "hey press" alex smiled. "so where too?" allie asked. "umm scarpas!!" alex and tobin said at the same time and the two laughed. "well ok then" allie laughed. on the drive over tobin was pointing to things through the window showing christen some things as she watched in amazement. alex felt her stomach twist. she took a deep breath and focused her attention on the music. they all sat down at scarpas and ordered. "hey do you wanna split a house salad and the spaghetti with me?" christen nudged tobin. alex was hurt. she didn't like press at all. and it was over dumb things too. like that one time.
"hey tob save me the window seat please!" alex hollered while running back to go help syd. tobin was listening to music when she saw a brown haired beauty walk onto the bus. poor girl she looked like a deer in headlights. she looked over at tobin and smiled as she sat next to her. "hi i'm christen press" she said. "tobin heath" tobin smiled back totally forgetting about the forward that was her original bus buddy. the two engaged in a bit of small talk and alex got onto the bus. she tried to send glares tobins way but she realized tobin was to caught up with the new girl. she sighed and plopped down next to syd. she knew this new girl was gonna threaten everything.
she didn't realize she was sending daggers until tobin looked up at her. she smiled softly and turned her head back to the menu. she felt kinda clueless as to what to get since her and tobin always shared the house salad and the spaghetti. she was beggeninh to notice this sense of lost when ever the middy wasn't around her and it was scary.
"alex?! al? alex!!" she heard allie yell through her apartment but she couldn't get up. she sat next to her toilet vomiting continually. she remembered hearing tobin leave that morning saying "i'm just going on a little trip al." buy that night when she watched a video posted by her best friend that said she was going to paris. for good. she didn't know what to do. she grabbed the closest vodka bottle and took swigs. she focused on the feel of the burning alcohol down her throat and not the breaking sensation in her heart. "oh alex" allie said when she saw the talented forward. hunched over the toilet hair in her face and sweaty. she helped the girl and prayed she would never have to do it again. she didn't. because alex became too good at cleaning herself up.

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