(play the song before you read) Nobodys p.o.v: Gerard wakes up in a random place he doesn't remember anything,but then.....a strange man walks up to him
3 2 1) IT'S FRANK IERO!)
Gerard's p.o.v: "how did I get here Frank?"
"You were out partying with me gee and you passed out so I brought you too my place" Frank saids
"Oh thank you Frankie!"
"Your welcome Bay Bay"Frank saids
*Time skip*
It's 3am in the morning and I gotta pee pee, so I get up and get fronk "FRONK I GOTTA PEEPEE"
"alright I'll go with you"fronkie saids
Frank and i run to the potty and I get there and I open the toilet and take the biggest peepee ever while fronk holds my hand*10 hours later of pee peeing*
I wake up at 5 aclock in the afternoon and I run to get fronk and I find him and I say "Frank can I sing to you" and Frank saids "yes gee"
(Go up and listen to the song thanks uwu)
*After song ends* "wow gerad I love you Daddy uwu marry me please!" Frank saids
"Okay fronk owo"To be continued