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It's Saturday morning cheer practice and the girls are waiting for their other co-captain Michelle.

"Hey guys, I'm so sorry I'm late" Michelle apologized as she set her stuff down.

"You should be sorry. We've been waiting" Maddy speaks up.

"I actually need to speak to you about last night"

Maddy rolls her eyes as she follows Michelle to a spot farther from the girls.

"Listen, you really need to drop the attitude during our games. You ruin the dynamic of the team"

Maddy laughs. "Whatever"

"Honestly, what's your problem?"

"You know exactly what my problem is"

"This can't be about Nate anymore. You seriously have to get over it"

"You're right, it's not just about Nate" and with that Maddy walks away.

Michelle just sighs to herself. At this rate, they'd probably never be friends again.

The girls continue with leading practice.
"Young lady, where are you?" Michelle's mother questioned angrily over the phone.

Michelle sighed, "mom, I'm driving"

"Home right?"

"Um..." Michelle hesitated as she had rue sitting beside her. They were on their way to get some drugs from ashtray. "No, I'm with rue and we're just gonna make a quick stop by the store. I need to get some tampons."

Her mother groaned. "Why are you with her? She's not exactly the best influence on you"

"Mom she's family. And Rue is clean now." Michelle lied.

"As if. Anyways, I will see you home in the next hour."

"Okay bye" Michelle hangs up. "I'm sorry Rue, you know how she is"

"It's all good. I'm used to it"

"I haven't seen ashtray or fez in so long"

"Fez was like the first person I saw when I got out"

Michelle laughed "not sure if that's good or bad"

"He asks about you"

Michelle looks at rue surprised. "He does? What does he ask?"

"Yeah. He just asks how you are since we used to go over there all the time."

"Oh yeah"

Rue and Michelle met fezco their sophomore and junior years of highschool. Since then, they would get drugs and alcohol from fez and sometimes hang with him whenever he came to parties.

After Rue went to rehab, Michelle never saw fezco for a while. Especially since Her and Nate's relationship took over most of her life.

Toxic Love (bwwm) (j.e & j.s)Where stories live. Discover now