Move In With Me (John Shelby)

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Request: Modern John Shelby asking you to move in with him please. Requested by anon.
A/N: I don't do AUs, so I made it in the original timeline.

You were from a respected high class family from London. You first heard of the Peaky Blinders when they came to the city to do business. Your father was talking to a partner of his about how much he despised those scum and how they're criminals.

You being curious, asked one of your trusted people to find out more about them, since your father never actually despised anyone before. Sure, he hated or disliked a lot of people but he didn't talk about them that much.

After finding out all about them, you decided you wanted to see them. After all, you loved a little adventure and danger. Being born to your family, meant that you were cooped up inside all day or whenever you wanted to go out, it would be with a family member or someone trusted by your father.

Except this time, you snuck out of your room and told the trusted maid to take your place.

You went to a tavern that you owned and sat in a corner not wanting to draw attention to yourself.

Three men walked into the tavern laughing and being too noisy. It was like they owned the place. And they did.

"Drinks on the house" one of them said and the men cheered.

They sat down at a table at the front but one of them caught you watching them. You locked eyes before you looked down at your glass.

"I haven't seen you here before" the man approached you and sat at your table.

"Is that a problem?" You dared ask.

"No. You're not from around here, are you?".

"Does it matter?".

"Not to me, but,... my brother might be interested".

"So, what do you want from me?".

He looked at you from head to toe and smirked.

"Don't even think about it" you scoffed.

"You clearly don't know who I am. Let me introduce myself-".

"You're a Peaky Blinder. One of the Shelby brothers. Though, I don't know which one".

"You've done your research! I'm John" he took your hand and kissed it.

"A pleasure".

"So, are you going to tell me your name?".

"I'd rather let you do your research" you smiled at him and tossed a coin on the table, before leaving.

"It's on the house" he spoke loudly.

"I don't take things for free".


You met a couple of times after that and he still didn't know your name, so he couldn't check on you.

"Are you ever going to tell me your name?" He pinned you up against a wall in an alley.

"Why? Did you give up, already?" You whispered in his ear.

"Never! I will find out who you are" he promised.

"Good! I'm depending on it" you kissed his cheek and left "good night, Mr. Shelby".

"Goodnight, Miss.. whatever your name is".

One day, after you met, he sent one of his men after you and found out where you live. Once he heard the news, he wasn't very pleased.

"Where are you going?" Your father asked.

"To the library" you lied.

"And what business do you have there?".

"I just want to return a book I borrowed and get a new one. Books are the only thing keeping me sane in this prison".

"Careful with your word, daughter!".


"You're a fucking Y/l/n" a hand graped your waist and pulled you in to a dark alley.

"John! It's about time!" You were calm, unlike him.

"Have you been spying on us all that time? Did your father send you to seduce one of the Shelby men?".

"Of course not!".

"He'd make his daughter a whore just to get some inside information-"

You slapped him "watch your mouth, John! I came here on me own. He has no idea I've been seeing you. If he did, I'd be dead. It's true, he despises you but I'm not my father" you explained.

"Then why are you here?".

"At first, it was curiosity but then I started...-".

"Are you in love with me, Miss Y/l/n?" He smirked.

"I am, but I will not let you insult me like this. Farewell, Mr. Shelby" you were about to walk away when he held you by your wrist and brought you closer to him.

"I won't do it again. I'm sorry for doubting you" he leaned on to kiss you.


Since you started dating, it got harder and harder to get out of the house, but then John had enough. He told you to meet him at the library and that he has something to tell you.

"What is it, John?" You were worried something's wrong.

"I have a surprise for you, come with me" he took your hand and you drove in the car with him.

"We're here" he opened your door and took your hand again.

"Here where, John?".

"You see this house? I bought it for us" he handed you a set of keys.

"But, my fath-".

"Shh!" He placed his index finger on your lips.

"Move in with me. He can't harm you. I promise, I'll protect you, but for me to do so I need to have you by my side. Every day you're away from me, I lay awake in bed, worrying about you".

"You don't have to. I'm capable of protecting meself" you cupped his face.

"Not when it's about business. There are men that won't care if you're holding a gun and even if you shoot 'em, it won't stop 'em from what they came for, for what they're ordered to do. So, what do you say, eh?" He was in a cheerful mood and you didn't want to ruin it.

"A'right! But I fear you might have just started a war" you kissed him softly.

"For you, I'd do anything".

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