Graphite mention

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[shootingdoc, knightdoc, gamerdoc, and brave'swife signed in]

shootingdoc: Does anyone remembers Graphite?

brave'swife: -_-

knightdoc: Why did u have 2 bring that up?

gamerdoc: She's hate to reminds of him

shootingdoc: Where he turn her into bugster?

knightdoc: Hai

brave'swife: Taiga I'm gonna kill u!

shootingdoc: *gulps*

[shootingdoc signed out]

gamerdoc: I'm sure he didn't mean 2

brave'swife: ....

[brave'swife signed out]

gamerdoc: Oh...

knightdoc: Now I have to cheer her up Intern & possible 2 stop her 4 killing Taiga

gamerdoc: Sorry

[kinghtdoc signed out]

gamerdoc: Well it's doesn't bring that memory back when Nala first created

[godofmen signs in]

godofmen: Why is Kaylee mad right now?

gamerdoc: Brought up Graphite

godofmen: So that's why she came 2 me and asked me 2 kill Taiga

gamerdoc: Nani?!

godofmen: Yeah

[gamerdoc signed out]

godofmen: That's fast

[godofmen signed out]

Kaylee: *ran after Taiga*

Taiga: I'm sorry! *repeats*

Kaylee: BAKA *tackles Taiga*

Taiga: Ahhhhh!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2020 ⏰

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