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I never played for anyone else. That wasn't what the game was about for me.

Sure, I did want to get out of the hood and I wanted to see my dad smile but in the end that wouldn't matter. In the end it would just be me. Me and my memories.


"Pass! Pass!" Nicki yelled to her friend. She dribbled past the defense before laying up. For an eight year old she was pretty good but Beyoncé was better.

Her shoulders were back and her hands clenched tightly against her thighs as she strode up to Nicki.

"Can I  play?"

"Go away, we don't play with boys." Nicki dismissed her quickly. The other girls went back to playing while Beyoncé just stood. She wasn't afraid of Nicki.

"I'm not no boy." Her attitude was bigger than her. Bigger than the small town they lived in but Nicki's matched hers.

Nicki walked up to her and jabbed her finger into Beyoncé's temple repeatedly. "I don't give a fudge." the shorter of the two smirked as the other kids gasped at her word choice.

"Hell no." Beyoncé looked down at the smaller girl, while taking her hair out of its bun so that it fell down her back. "I wanna play." Every one gasped except Nicki. She was busy trying to think of comeback. Her attempts were useless.

"Well, you are a girl so I guess you can play with us, but you'll have to beat me if you want to keep ya spot." Nicki threw the children's basketball she had right into Beyoncé's chest.

"I'm bored," Beyoncé yawned right in Nicki's face, before throwing the ball back just as hard— if not harder, "check."

The game was long and both girls were way past tired before Nicki got the 21st point. Beyoncé had got hurt in the process from tripping over her own foot. Her chin had a nasty cut that low-key disgusted Nicki but Nicki pulled her along to her mother's house.

She knew she would know how to patch her up, and then she could tease her about her loss. As soon as mama Carol saw the young girl she pulled her into the bathroom and begin to fuss at her.

Beyoncé was trying not to laugh the whole time because Nicki was giving her the stank face. She guessed she wasn't used to her mother giving anyone other than her attention.

"Ma, I got a booboo on my elbow. Right here. See, right here." Nicki jumped up and down pointing to her elbow where a little scratch resided.

"Oh you'll be fine." she was pushed back. Beyoncé began to cry when the alcohol touched her skin.

"I know, it burns but that means it's working." Mama Carol cooed. Beyoncé loved her. She was way nicer than her own mom.

Her mom would have said, "ThAt's wHaT yOu gEt fOr pLaYiNg A mAn'S sPoRt. "

"O-okay," Beyoncé wiped her tears with her free arm. Once she was patched up she left with a snack, a kiss from Mama Carol, and Nicki since Mama Carol wanted her to walk her home.

Nicki pushed into her shoulder and she pushed back laughing at how the smaller girl fell. "You think you funny huh?" Nicki pulled her down with her and got on top roughing her up.

"You not laughing now huh?" Nicki gritted.

Beyoncé mushed her head and got up. "Leave me alone."

She began to walk by herself home. She didn't want to be around Nicki if she was just gonna hit her.  A few moments later she got home and turned around cause Nicki was still following her.

"Why you still here?"

"Cause I want you to ride to school with me," she answered.


"Cause no one else got a bike but you," she nodded.

"Okay." Beyoncé turned to go inside.

"Wait- you gotta be my girl to ride with me tho," Nicki told her. 

Beyoncé scrunched up her face, "Why I gotta be your girl?"

"Cause only girlfriend's and boyfriend's ride wit each otha,"  Nicki shrugged, her hands tucked into her jean pocket.

"But you not a boy."


"Okay, I'll be your girl." Beyoncé shifted one foot onto the other.

"And you gotta listen to what I say."


"Yuh huh. My momma listen to everything my daddy tell her," Nicki nodded to confirm her statement.


"Come here," Beyoncé jumped down the steps and walked to Nicki.

"Now give me some suga," Nicki pronounced it just like her daddy and puckered her lips.

Beyoncé leaned in and pecked her lips before pulling away quickly. "Eww," she commented.

"You not supposed to say eww!"

"Then what am I supposed to say?"

"See you tomorrow baby," Nicki coached.

"See you tomorrow baby," Beyoncé mocked. 

Nicki tackled her again. "Apologize."


This chapter was inspired from the movie but I put a small twist on it. But the rest of the chapter's aren't going to be as heavily inspired.  

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