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7 years later

Nicki left sometime in 4th grade after her mother died in a fatal mugging. So we couldn't ride bikes anymore and kiss under the porch. We couldn't sneak out to watch the stars at night, and she couldn't sleep in my room anymore when she felt lonely because she was somewhere lost in the system. We didn't even get to say goodbye, and now I'm looking at her walk into home room.


"Oh shit. That's a fucked up love story," Kelly popped a couple of skittles in her mouth as she eyed a more mature Nicki.

Beyoncé sighed and leaned against the glass window that separated them from the outside. She fidgeted a little before deciding on her final resting place, her head in her hands.

Please don't see me. Please don't see me. Please don't see me. She kept repeating the mantra but she knew she was too late when she saw bronze legs out the corner of her eye.

"Beyoncé! This my adopted cousin," Lauren smiled. She looked up to see the innocent bright smile of her current girlfriend and the Cheshire grin of her ex one.

"Oh," she groaned and leaned back against the window.

"Wow I thought you'd have more enthusiasm mama's. How long has it been?" Nicki moved to sit on Beyoncé's desk so that she had no choice but to see her.

"A while," Beyoncé groaned into her arm. She couldn't believe she was talking to her! She always dreamed of this moment but she'd never thought she would be filled with this much dread.

"Uhm, excuse me?" Lauren rose her hand and forced out a chuckle, "How do y'all know each other?"

"She's my bitc--"

"An old friend from like elementary school," Beyoncé glared at a fifteen year old Nicki who just shrugged.

"Oh- okay. Well Nicki this is my girlfriend but I guess y'all already know each other. Anyway, Ms. Swift wanted me to give you this. You're supposed to show her around and stuff."

Beyoncé soured even more. She wanted to ask why, but that would be rude. Plus Nicki hadn't done anything to her, except be her world for her childhood and then leave out of the blue with no goodbye. Having to find out from the news at ten years old only made matters worse for Beyoncé's heart when Nicki no longer picked her up, or sat next to her in school, or said goodbye when the social worker's came. She just stared at her as she waited for them to come out of her old house.

Beyoncé could remember the stare off that happened, she could remember the way they both had tears streaming down their face.

"I got to go get to my homeroom but I'll see you later," Lauren pecked Beyoncé's lips and waved at Kelly before dipping.

Silence happened. Beyoncé pouted as Nicki looked at Lauren's back with slight amusement.

No one talked for a moment before Nicki broke the silence, "Can I talk to you mama's?"

"Sure," she sighed and got up, tucking her hands into her joggers.

Nicki led the way to the teacher's bathroom and locked the door behind her.

"What did you--"

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