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"You have to get on my bike," Nicki stood with her feet planted firmly on Beyonce's cement driveway. Her hands clasped her hips, and her mouth was set in a permanent scowl.

Beyonce scowled back and got on her own bike. "No. What if I wanna ride my own?"

Nicki looked around as if she was crazy. When her daddy was home her mama always rode with him. "No! You're my girlfriend, so you gotta ride with me. It's da *rules*," Nicki stated.

Beyonce stared at her for a moment, her amber eyes concentrating on Nicki's defiant chocolate ones. Her scowl deepened as she set her bike down. "Man whatever that's why you ugly."

Nicki rolled her eyes. Just like her daddy she commented, "Keep it up and you gone be *ridin'* me tonight." she smirked.

Beyonce's eyebrow raised as she tucked her light red bike underneath a rose bush, so her sister wouldn't get to it. "What does that mean?"

Nicki pondered what it meant. Well when her daddy said that loud noises came from her parents room.

Her dad called it: "Clapping cheeks. Sex." Nicki answered.

Beyonce poked her head up quickly. "Sex?!"

Nicki smirked. She knew something Beyonce didn't.


"Are we gonna have to do that?"

"Not if you don't want to. But we have to be grownups." Nicki recited. Her mama told her that.

Nicki got on her bike and waited for Beyonce to clamber on behind her.

"I want you to play with me during recess." Beyonce demanded.

"No I wanna play with my friends." Nicki shook her head and started to teeter on the bike before she kicked off hard and began pedaling.

"I don't got no friends so you gotta."

Nicki huffed too focused on getting them up a hill.

"Nicki...Nicki...you gotta. I'm your girl," Beyoncé whined.


Beyonce lazily threw the ball up into the hoop, a sliver of hope in her heart that it would go in. It bounced on the rim and fell off hitting her on her arm.

Nicki grabbed the ball and ran around her before driving towards the basket. "Beyonce watched her throw the ball and cried inwardly at the swish sound. Why was she so much better?

"You not blocking me." Nicki scowled, her basketball on her hip.

Beyonce sighed and plopped on the ground. "You're so good. How?"

Nicki sat down next to her and scrunched up her face when Beyonce's head fell against her shoulder. She was sweaty and breathing heavily. Nicki got comfortable and wiped Beyonce's hair back from her forehead.

"My daddy's in the NBA. He makes me practice everytime he's here. It's the only thing he talks to me about." she mumbled.

"He doesn't take you for icecream or the store with him?"

Nicki chuckled bitterly. "He's barely home."

The bell rang for them to come inside and Nicki let out a airy breath of relief.

"You have to hold my hand when we come inside." Nicki plastered on a smirk.



So yeah I think I'm going to switch between flashbacks and present. What are y'all thoughts?

This chapter?


Her dad?


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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