Chapter 14: How does a person act normal in high school?

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A/N: Other people talking but not talking to Izada is represented by this punctuation. (')


Where are my weapon straps!? Here they are. I am freaking out!! What if they die on my watch? I think killing is easier than protecting. It seems that way to me at least.

God. What do I need to protect? I'll just take my revolver and three throwing knives. That should be okay for now.

They're going to think I'm emo! I'm wearing dark gray jeans, a gray Strawberry Mew Mew shirt, a black vest, and a black Invader Zim hoodie. It doesn't matter. They probably still think I'm weird anyway. At least the outfit hides the weapons better than some of my attire on other missions. I mean I never wore anything too you know, but I've worn mid thigh skirts with a tank before. I was pissed the whole mission.

Crap! I'm running out of time. No need for make up anyway. Good thing I've already straightened my hair. Okay. Now all I need is my book bag.

"Ah ha! There it is."

I forgot about my tennis shoes!

Now I'm ready to go. I'm taking my Ducati. It's not my Maserati, but at least it's my favorite motorcycle.


There's soooo many people here!

'That's like one of the new kids. I can't like believe we're like getting two new kids!'

'I know like right! I hope they're both like cute!'

So... I'm guessing these people did not get a memo on the fact at least one of us would be a girl. That means they don't know Izada Crystal Bradale is coming back. Sweet! Will they even remeber me? Lets hope not.

'Dude! That's a Ducati?'

'I know! He must be rich!'

Do I really look like a dude? Would a guy actually wear Invader Zim? They said two new students didn't they? I bet that means Dagan will be here today I bet.

"Dude! Awesom Ducati." said a boy walking up to me, hands only a few inches away from my motorcycle.

"Thanks, but I'm not a dude. I'm a girl." I said slapping his hand before it could touch my baby.

I never knew you could draw so much suprise by takeing off your helmet and telling someone your gender. All of their faces where priceless! Now where is Tyler and the rest of the crew?

"What!!! No way a girl owns a motorcycle, much less a Ducati!" shouted the idiot.

"You know what. I don't have time for your sexist remarks on my transportation, so just get out of my way. Kay?"

Normally guys will fight for pride, but I'm sure they realized fighting with me would help them loose their dignity.


I go in. Pretend I have no clue where anything is at. Ask for a schedule. Then I attend class.

"You must be Izada Crystal Bradale. Correct?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Here's your map, your schedule, your books, and your locker number. Will you need a student guide."

"No ma'am. I'll be able to find everything."

"Wait a minute. Here's your slip. Have all of your teachers sign it and bring it to the office by the end of the day. Have a nice day Ms. Bradale."

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