My Review of Star Wars Episode 9: Rise of Skywalker

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Shout out to M8Ferrot who has been very supportive and my motivation to continue this book. You're awesome.
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Major Spoilers Ahead!

For months, teasers, trailers and promos have been building up to the end of the Skywalker Saga. (Not including tv shows and stand-alone). So naturally, I wanted to see it.

As soon as the Star Wars theme music started to play, I was in my element. The movie did not disappoint me. It was filled with action, suspense, surprise, tragedy and romance. Ever since The Force Awakens, I have shipped Reylo. And finally, it is Canon...For about five seconds.  🥺😭

After Rey faces off and defeats Palpatine, she dies, having sacrificed herself to save the her friends and the galaxy. Kylo, crawling out of the pit Palpatine threw him in, rushes to hold Rey.

In an act of pure love and sacrifice, the redeemed Ben Solo transfers his life forced to his beloved Rey. She awakes and sees the eyes Ben Solo staring back at her. For the last time she says his name, "Ben." And for the first time, we see him smile a proper smile, his eyes filled with love for the woman before him. They share a kiss before the consequence of his sacrifice takes its toll and he dies in the arms of the only person who he would have sacrificed himself for: Rey.

In the words of the great Padmé Amidala: there was good in him.

As Kylo fades into the force, so too does the legendary Leia Organa, who has used the last of her strength to talk to her son, to be reunited with her husband, son and all whom she had lost. Both she and her son were now part of the force, living only in the hearts of those who would remember them and carry on their legacy.

Also, a list of other highlights of the movie:
- Hux is a spy for the rebellion as he wants Kylo to lose the war.
- Poe got a girlfriend!
- Han redeems Kylo by telling him that Ben Solo is alive and Kylo Ren is dead.
- Rey and Kylo are a dyad in the Force.
- Rey heals a giant snake.
- Rey buries her ancestor's lightsabers in sand (Poor Anakin.)
- Rey calls herself a Skywalker. (You should've said Solo, Rey. Honour your boyfriend will ya?😂)
- Finn lives.
- Poe was a Spice Runner. (Translation: he used to smuggle drugs)
- Poe's girlfriend survives getting blown up!
- C3P0 gets his memory erased.
- Poe swears a lot.
- C3P0 doesn't shut up. Shock😱 (jk! He never shuts up)
- R2D2 is a badass. (Again)

Thanks for reading my review of Rise of Skywalker.
May the Force be with you!

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