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Rosie open up the computer and pretend to read. She didn't want to stand out to elderly couple, who celebrated their 75th wedding anvesary.

Man rise his hand and was ready to pay the bill. It was half past elewen o'clock in the evening and Rosie wanted to close the cafe, but she  couldn't. Man rose and said:"Thank You miss! See you soon."

Rosie waited a little while unitl she walked  to the door and turned "open" sign to "closed" sign.

Swiching off the light and removing waitress apron, saw Rosie between bill covers put two fifty dollar bills.
Rosie face light up. After morning of family with toddlers and afternoon with football crazy it was perfect pay.

Rosie locked up the cafe doors and moved up the stars to the apartement above the shop. This must be the secret of Clara's thought Rosie in her mind.

Open up the door she heard "Family Feud" theme music and saw blond hairs.

"Juli hey." poked Rosie boy shoulder. Julien turned his head   towards the Rosie and all over his face appeared big smile.

"You missed the good stuff." answered Julien at the same time giving a ham sandwich to Rosie.

Rosie sit next to Julien  and take a bite from sandwich. "I got a 100 dollar tip today."

Julien's face was like somebody told him that Super Bowl is not today but tomorrow.

Rosie hold a money in her hands and give fifty dollar to Julien:"Take it. It helps to survive the Saturday."

Julien's head fell into the pillow and turn the voice from tv down. "Again I have to play the ball boy."

Rosie laugh:"Oops, I competly forgot that, but it helps to get one step closer to your own personal laptop. Their promse to pay good and extra, if you come with the hat." Julien nodded.

Eric knocked to the door and said:"Hey kids. How did it went today?"

Rosie and Julien rised the thumbs up begin too tired to show any emotions. Julien turned off the tv and said:Paying date is on Sunday. We need 54 dollars to get 300 dollars. "

Eric answered:" Yes, I know. And you need to get some rest, because tomorrow 35 company workers come here for lunch. "

Julien and Rosie hugged Eric and went to their bed. Julien's head fell into pillow, not bothered to change his clothes.

Rosie open up the drawer and took envelope:"There let's see." Rosie talled to herself until Julien interupted her: "12 658 dollars."

Rosie frowned:" How to know about my bill number?" Julien explained:" I also deal with bills. That was all my idea to take you here to live with us."

Rosie sighed:"I had no idea it was so Hard. My hands was so hurting after first work day."

Julien nodded:" But what would you do, if you were not Our waitress?"

Rosie sighed:"I would be a prostituute somewhere  in London brothel."

Rosie was grateful of Julien's help. Four years ago she was tricked and she end up in London street As a prostitute.

Rosie shook  bad memories out of her head and fell asleep.

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