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Next day at the lunch break, Julien offer his master plan to Rosie.

"So here is the plan. I will took you these music auditions. You will have fun and you will sing all from your heart. If rehersals are over, then you will call me and I will bring you back home. And that all the time. #bestplanever."

Rosie take bite her lemonpepper chicken snitchel and said:" No hashtags. I can't go there. "

Julien asked:" But what is... "

Rosie suddenly climbed behind the counter and said:" Look, are their gone. "

Julien turned his head and answered: "Bree and Britt are talking together front of that posters."

Rosie was curious:"Can you find out what their are talking about."

Julien gasped:"There is no need."

Britt and Bree stoped front of the counter and said:"Hey Julien."

Julien, hated the girls as much as Rosie does, follow the waitress rules and gave them a fake smile:" Hello ladies, what can I get you for today?"

Britt looked at the menu and asked:"Can I get something where is no fat, no sugar and no carbs?"

Julien think a while and finaly said:"Water."

Bree looked at Julien shocked:"Is that suppose to be a joke? I will take a Virgin Mary."

Britt laughed:" Or I have to say Virgin Sabrina."

Julien turned back to the counter and pour out some tomato Juice. Eric took from Julien shoulder and asked:" Who are their? “

Julien take some salt and pepper and answered:"Yes these are that girls, who boyfriends close friends sold my sister to slavery."

Eric rised his eyebrow:" I didn't know that..."

Julien poured the drink into glasses and answered:"Rosie is like a sister for me if there is need to I'll make some radom dudes nose to bleed."

Eric calmed Julien down and said:"I am behind the bar counter. You go and look, how you can make yourself useful for your mom and little sister."

Julien nodded. Julien walked to the kitchen, where Rosie and Clara baked some pies.

Julien looked quietly when finaly said:"May I help?"

Clara nodded and let Julien to sit next to Rosie.

Rosie bend over to Julien and asked:"Do you now understand, why I can't do that?"

Julien nodded from understand meant and said:" But do it for yourself. I remember when you promese to my mom and dad, that you willing to do anything, to stay in Clara. I was even ready to give some of my tip money, to help you back to your feet. "

Rosie get up and put cheesecakes in to oven and asked:" and your friend Adam, he is agree to replace me? "

Julien explained:" Well yes. He also need some money to buy himself a car, but he is right now in a trade school. You know how difficult is to get a job, without the company think that you are for internship and that, you want to get an acctual money. "

Rosie prepare pizza dough and asked:" Does he know that for the dept there is removed ten precent of the paycheck? "

Julien laughed:" He was agreed to do it for free. "

Rosie agreed:" OK, then tomorrow we are going to those auditions. "

Julien shouted from cheer:"Fantastic, now we need to come up awsome stage costume. You know that trift shop in Camden in East-Souht
London. There is right now 30% sale."

Rosie sighed, but made a deal with Julien:" OK let's do it."

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