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Ten minute before twelwe Rosie, Alison and Katherine walked down the stars into the big hall, where people were gathering for the auditions.

Katherine stopped the girls and direct with her head into the hall. "Look how many people have come together already."

Rosie saw Britt, who ran behind Silvia. Rosie felt like she wanted to get her breakfast onto her shoes.

Bree passed the girls and looked them awhile. Luckly she didn't reconize them.

Rosie wishpered to Katherine ear:" I don't know can I do this. "

Katherine turned to Rosie:" Rosalinda, Don't worry. Everything is gonna be fine. And by the way we will perform together in auditions."

Alison agreed:"Yes, as a girl trio. Silvia dosen't stand a chance. Well look at her."

Rosie looked. Silvia was wearing pink costume. Justin moved around her, mean while taking pictures of her.

Alison gasped and sighed:"Who invite Britt and Bree?"

Katherine thinked:"Em Silvia? Am I right? Oh awsome. Next catecory. Hm let's see. I take IQ 200. Who is the coolest Rock star? “

Alison rise her hand.

Katherine pointed at Alison:" And Alison please. "

Alison answered:" Who is Stefan Olsdal? "

Katherine sighed:" Unfortunetly, the answer is incorrect."

Alison smirked:"Don't you wanna turn around."

Rosie and Katherine turned themselfs around. Around them was shouting and cheering.

Brian, Stefan and Steve were walking down the stairs into the crowd. Rosie was claping, Katherine was shouting:"Go Stef go. Blue nails Rock.

Stefan turned and said" Their are black. "

David Bottrill step front of the microphone and:" Hello everybody. Welcome to the first Placebo auditions. "

People cheered and claped.

" I would like to give a Word to Brian. "
Brian Molko steped forward and looked all the people, who has been gathered together.

"Hello from me too. My name is Brian and these people behind my back are band Placebo. It's nice to see all of you today at this midday. I belive that right here is Our New star. From me good luck to all of you and impress me."

David picked up the papersheet and said:" First  I call to the stage Albert Locoto. Where are you Albert. "

Fat boy get up and step into the stage. 

Katherine passed to Rosie and Alison some sheet music and Asked from the security guy:" Is group preformances allowed? “

Security guy nodded.

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