I spent a long time in Carter's room curled up on his bed crying into his pillow. I felt a dip in the bed, I looked up to see Jason looking down at me a worried look on his face. He put his hand on my arm.
"Kat, it's 11 o'clock, sam wants to know if your sleeping in Carter's room." I slowly sat up.
"I think, I'll stay here.. If its ok with you guys." I said avoiding his eyes
"no problem, sams sleeping here anyways. Now get some sleep. I'm sure he'll be fine." and with that jason got up and left closing the door behind him. I slowly got up and plugged
My phone into Carter's iPhone charger since I didn't have mine. I walked over to his dresser and got out a pair of his boxers and a very large shirt. I slipped my blood covered dress off slowly and pulled his boxers on and the shirt followed. I walked over to his bed and lay down. I looked at his bed side table and saw a picture of us in the fall kissing under a big tree leafs falling. It was perfect. I picked it up gently and hugged it to my chest. I closed my eyes and whished that carter could be with me right now. I re opened my eyes and placed it back down. I got under the covers and burried myself in them. I could smell the familiar smell of Carter. I shut my eyes and cried myself to sleep.
I woke up the next morning in the same position I fell asleep in last night, I looked at the clock. It read 7:43 am. I huddled into a tight ball again hoping that it was all a dream. But I flipped over to find nothing but myself. I checked my phone on the table and there was one text from Jason 20 minutes ago. I opened it and read what he sent me.
Kat, I found the second letter last night when I came to check on you.. Why didn't you tell me before? Who are you planning in even kissing without carter finding out... You can't cheat on him kitty...
I responded back
Can you come home.. Please Jason I need to talk to you in person. I need help with this.
I sent the text and lay back down wait for a response. I closed my eyes and drifted off.
"No please stop! Don't! Carter!! No!" I ran forward chasing after the guy who stabbed carter.
"wait!! No!" I screamed.
I woke with a start, Jason sitting on the bed looking down at me worriedly.
"kat are you you ok? You where trashing." Jason leaned down
I sat up leaning against the wall. I sighed and looking at Jason.
"just a bad dream nothing serious."
"are you sure Kat?" he asked concerned
"yeah, positive. But can we talk about the letter now?" I asked
"right. Well, who are you going to kiss?" he asked looking away
"I dunno.. They're always watching me so, they would know if I cheated or not." I sighed
"You ah, know. You could just, get it over with and uh." Jason 'coughed' "well uh kiss.. Kiss me." Jason stuttered
"Jason... I. I. Well." I looked away
"Kat it's easiest.." Jason said, I think I caught a bit of pleading on his voice.
I looked back at him straight into his eyes. He looked back into mine. We got closer. And closer. My heart started fluttering. What? Why did I feel like this?
My heart skipped a beat. We where inches apart from each other.
"Jason, are. Are you. Are you sure?" I asked quietly.
"of. Of. Corse." he stuttered. I closed my eyes.
We got closer. And. I felt his lips press against mine, Lightly so gentle. His lips where soft and I felt less and less nervous. Butterflies where everywhere in my stomach and my heart was pounding.
Wait.. What am I doing? What about Carter?!
Hello my lovelies!! Haha sorry it's so short :3 teeheeheeee OMG KAT DA HELL are you DOING?!?! What are u thinkinngggg?!?! What about CARTER?! YA KNOW UR BF!!!???? Hahaha :p well let's find out what the next letter is >:) omg who's behind all of this?! Hahaha well we'll have to find out more when I update next :) see you later lovelies :D