wherever you decide

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i'm not usually the type to go to parties. my friend isla is, though, and she likes to drag me along with her to whatever house full of drunk teenagers she can find.

"remind me, why are we here?" i ask her, as we walk down the path to the front door of a huge house that probably belongs to some rich girl who's parents don't love her enough to take her on business trips with them.

the lawn is already littered with maybe a hundred red solo cups and beer bottles, and it's hardly even six o'clock.

"because, we're having fun, remember? besides, awsten's here." isla says, and it feels like my heart stops momentarily.

"awsten's here? isn't he a nerd by your standards?" i say, raising an eyebrow at her as we stop at the front door.

"a nerd by my standards, and pretty much everyone else's here. apart from you, obviously. but this is an open party." isla smirks. i roll my eyes.

"he's not a nerd. he's sweet. just because he doesn't hang around with us doesn't make him weird." i say. isla rolls her eyes and presses the door handle down.

"i think you need a drink."

i don't like drinking much, i'll have some occasionally, but it's not really my scene. isla, on the other hand, will drink until the sun is already up and she's spewing her guts out into a bush in some randomers garden.

as soon as the door is open, the smell of spirits hits me like a train and i almost gag. the music is loud enough to get a noise complaint when the door is open, so i instinctively close it as quickly as i possibly can.

i act like i'm unbothered by the fact that awsten's here when i'm around my friends, but i'm looking around to try and spot him in amongst the sea of people surrounding me.

i guess you'd class my friends and i as being 'popular'. they're good friends, but they can be really bitchy about other people. i'm sort of the regulator of their bitchiness most of the time, because i'm friends with basically everyone.

"{y/n}, we can see you looking for awsten. just go find him if you wanna talk that badly. he's not exactly someone to get awkward about." my friend mia says.

"shut up, mia." i say, crossing my arms and blushing. god, why am i blushing?

"just go find him, girly. what have you got to lose?" mia says. i nod.

"fine. i'll go find him. but if you guys make fun of me-"

"we're not gonna make fun of you. we know you like him, go get him." leah says. i spin on my heel and walk off to the kitchen, because i haven't seen him in the living room.

i cant see awsten anywhere, but i can see otto and geoff. i decide to talk to them, to see where he is. "hey, otto." i call. otto looks up from his cup of punch and waves at me. he starts walking towards me, leaving geoff talking to some random girl.

"what's up?" he greets me.

"i'm just looking for awsten. did he come with you guys?" i ask, playing with my hands nervously.

"yeah. he went to try find jawn 'cause he came with his girlfriend and then she got drunk and broke up with him." otto says, scratching the back of his neck. "i'm giving too much information arent i?"

i nod. "you are. can i wait with you guys until he gets back? i gotta talk to him."

"what do you wanna talk to him about?" otto asks, wiggling his eyebrows. i smack his arm.

"none of your business, wood." i say, crossing my arms and giving him a fake smile. he holds his hands up in defeat and then follows me to stand with geoff.

"what's up my guy?" geoff says to me, holding his arms out to hug me. he's obviously drinking tonight.

i give his hug a miss and he rolls his eyes at me. "you think you're too good for me."

"oh of course i do, gee-off." i say, patting his chest.

"hey, {y/n}!" i hear from behind me. i spin around to see awsten standing with a rather dishevelled looking jawn.

"hey, aws." i say, smiling. "can i talk to you, like, preferably without anyone else around?"

awsten looks either confused or nervous, but nods anyway, handing jawn off to otto and geoff and then following me up the spiral staircase to the upstairs of the house.

i open a door to what i assume is probably a bedroom, but close it immediately after due to seeing a couple making out on the bed. i turn to awsten open-mouthed, and he laughs so hard i think he might pass out.

we finally find a bedroom with no one in it, and i sit down on the bed. awsten closes the door, and then kinda hangs about by it.

"why do you look so nervous?" i laugh. he shrugs.

"i'm not nervous." he says, trying to make out as if he's fine.

"sure you're not, knight." i say, standing up and walking closer to him. "tell me your thoughts."

"my thoughts?" i nod. "you don't wanna know my thoughts." awsten says, with a visible gulp.

"why wouldn't i? i'm asking." i say, impulsively placing a hand on his bicep, but then letting it fall when i realise i shouldn't.

"you really wanna know my thoughts? how i feel right now?" he says. i look up at him, nodding.

"okay, well i'm not nervous. there's how i feel." awsten says, smirking.

"okay." i say, taking his wrist in my hand and stepping even closer to him, so that i can feel his breath on my face. "if you're such a tough guy, then kiss me."

i know i shouldn't have said that. i'm not entirely sure why i said that. but it just felt right.

"you mean that?" awsten says, lightly touching his hand to my waist. i feel like i cant breathe when i nod again.

before i can even think, awsten's other hand is holding my cheek and he's smashing his lips onto mine. i don't know why it catches me off guard, since i was the one who asked him to, but it takes me a second to reciprocate.

when i do, i find myself tangling my fingers in his bright green hair and trying to pull him even closer.

after maybe a minute, awsten pulls away and rests his forehead against mine, breathless. he's so much taller than i am, but the way we are now feels like the way we should stay forever.

awsten opens his mouth to say something, but i beat him to it. "i really, really like you, aws. i have for a pretty long time. and all my friends make fun of me for it but i don't care. i want you, in all of your green haired beauty." i laugh.

"i like you too. and i want you, in all of your...just general beauty." awsten says, grinning.

"good. now kiss me again." i say, pulling awsten's face down so that i can reach it.

as we're leaving the bedroom we've been in, awsten turns to me. "date?"

"tomorrow at 5. pick me up at my place." i smile. awsten grabs my hand.

"and where will we be going, my fair lady?"

"wherever you decide."

imagines; awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now