Katsumi's Drive

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Katsumi had a lot of things on her mind at the moment. She certainly wasn't expecting to see the black-haired boy so soon, and not in the most obvious place - her living room.

"Kat, stop standing there, damn flies will fly in there." Mitsuki scolder her daughter as she poured her friend a cup of tea, she then smiles at her friend "it's nice to see you here, I never thought you would come to visit," she chimes, then lowly whispered, "with Katsumi scaring you away all the time."

"It's no problem Mrs. Bakugou I've unhealthily gotten used to it," said Khoii.

"Now see there Kat there's someone you can rely on," Mitsuki said as a matter of factly, then noticed that Katsumi wasn't listening and was still in her trance "SNAP OUT OF IT, WILL YOU!"

"Huh?" Katsumi says confused, then her head snapped to Khoii "Are you really here and not a cruel joke?" she asks unsurely going to poke Khoii to make sure.

Khoii rolled his eyes and slaps Katsumi's hand away "No, is it so bad to visit my friend."

Katsumi froze and then grabbed ahold of Khoii's shoulder "NO YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND KHOII" she said while shaking him back and forth making him dizzy.

"Why the fuck is he here?" it came from the front door, the voice made Katsumi let go of Khoii relieving him of being shaken around like a ragged doll, seriously Katsumi's family

"KATSUKI BEHAVE TO OUR GUEST!" Mitsuki yelled hitting the said boy who in return yelled in response.

"FUCK, DON'T GO HITTING ME THEN!" Katsuki screeched.

"SHUT UP, YOU'RE SCARING HIM!" Mitsuki yelled, hitting Katsuki again making him even angrier, but nevertheless shut him up, at least temporarily.

"So why are you really here?" Katsumi asked Khoii curiously as if she was interrogating him.

Khoii shrugged and gave Katsumi that dead face look "I came to have a sleepover."

After his statement, it's like the whole room froze.

"...What?" Katsumi said as her pupils began to get bigger and bigger, then when the realization hit her she grabbed ahold of Khoii's shoulder "Why Now?!!"

Khoii lifted his eyebrow in a questioning manner "Unless I am imposing?"

Katsumi and Mitsuki gasped at the same time "Of course not!"

"I mean we'd be happy to have you apart of the family!" Mitsuki shouted with a pleased tone, then she turned towards her kids who gave her shocked looks.

"Thanks..." Khoii said awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. Then afterward there was a more awkward silence.


Katsuki coughed, "I'm leaving, call me for dinner you shits." he said before departing to his room.


Katsumi then had a realization as she hugged Khoii rather clingingly making him squirm "This is great! We could have one of those sleepovers where we watch movies, eat midnight snacks and gossip<3!!" she squealed in excitement, "Not to mention how we can talk and talk and talk all night until we fall asleep." she continued.

"Alright, alright I get it," Khoii said, patting her head sorta wishing Katsumi would get his message to leave him alone. "Not to sound rude but could you please let me go?"

Katsumi gasped and grabbed ahold of his hand and dragged him along with her upstairs "You're right! I have to show you my room!" Katsumi said excitedly, with the help of her Bakugou strength she inherited from her mother, dragged him up the stairs like a ragged doll. Then in the next second, he was placed in front of a creme door, he looked at Katsumi expectedly who nodded at him grinning from ear to ear and she twisted her doorknob and opened it rather dramatically. "Welcome to my room!"

Khoii realized he was blinded as soon as he entered, his eyes hurt any begged him to look at something else rather than the flames of hell. "Ahhhh" his eyes snapped to Katsumi as he looked at her incredulously "What is this?!"

Katsumi looked at him in question "What do you mean?" then she stared at her room and then came into a realization "Ah, you mustn't be much of an Endeavor fan then."

"This can't be normal." Khoii sweatdropped at all the Endeavor merch in the room, 'I didn't even think anyone liked Endeavor,"

"Come on Khoii, come sit down." Katsumi beckoned as she sat on her bed patting the spot beside her.

Khoii nodded noting that she was hugging an Endeavor plushie close to her whilst also sitting on some more Endeavor merch; bed sheets, pillow sheets, and even a hug pillow. 'I wonder if it's even legal to have this much Endeavor love all in one room.' Then Khoii took a glance at Katsui who looked all too happy as she hugged the plushie in her arms not at all bothered that a boy was in her room, sitting on her bed no less. 'Her mother didn't seem to mind, and her brother looks like he couldn't give ten shits that a random guy, I met him when I was younger but it seemed like he didn't seem to notice me that much, would come to see his sister, shouldn't he be overprotective? Or has he gotten used to this?'

"Khoii," Katsumi spoke softly as she snuggled deeper into the plushie and gave him a warm smile "do you want to play a game?"

'Katsumi Bakugou, how many guys had been here before me' Khoii thought, frowning at the thought. "Yeah sure, you got a console?"

"Yeah~ Here," Katsumi said holding up an Endeavor themed controller.

Khoii sweatdropped 'Endeavor has got to be stopped' his hand reached out and held the controller "Thanks..." when he pulled Katsumi didn't let go, there was a glint in her eyes.

"Why are you really here Khoii-kun?"

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